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profile tips

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I had the fortune of experiencing a night of soft swinging last night, with two other couples, just touching and oral (which I assume is soft?-please tell me if I'm wrong) and I have setup a profile for myself. What i need help on is what to put in the profile so I dont sound like a single guy looking only for sex and sounding all sleazy!

Any help would be much appreciated.

Re: profile tips

Hi Flap-Jack :-)

I'm in a similar position to you - in that I'm also a NooB here (nearly a week now - rofl) - so possibly any 'advice' I give might, actually, swing either way in terms of 'helping' (not sure if that pun was deliberate, or not - lol)...

... but then, again, what I have to say might just be simple "common sense":

I guess, really, much depends on what you actually are coming to the site for. Having said that, however, the 'advice' is the same.

Be completely honest in your profile (mine is still 1st-draft) and in all communications you have with peeps on here - which is a good, valid point in itself...

People are people, both online and off and, although everyone here is of an open, sharing frame of mind with regards their sexuality, we are all still people - to be respected and communicated with as we would do if face-to-face with the person concerned...

What else can I tell you...

Oh yes, the chatroom, mail, flirts, etc...

It took me a couple of days to realise that most people tend to ignore flirts - as they contain minimal 'info' (just a link to your profile - and let's face it, if anyone wants a profile they'll run a search, first) and have zero opportunity to add anything 'personal' that you might wish to add (in order to elicit some interest in clicking on your profile). Some people do respond - but most just get binned (I believe).

To get a response from mail approaches, honesty is also a vital factor - as is writing to them on a 'personal level' with what you have gleaned from their profile about them - who they are, what they like, what they're looking for and, above all a respectful appreciation of the fact that they don't know you from Adam (yet)... In a way, even though you have posted a profile, this email is an attempt to peek their interest in you :-)

As for the chat-rooms, I'm still getting used to these - but I have made a couple of friends in there already. And, although there are rashes of 'down to business posts' (some of which are successful), much of the time it seems to be light-hearted in there - and a good opportunity to interact with peeps here real-time - which helps form trust, friendships and, hopefully, the opportunities to meet offline...

Sorry this is a long post - but I hope it helps somewhat :-)

Short answer?

Be honest, light-hearted, genuine and, above all, respectful in your approaches (anything else can come later with mutual agreement) and, with luck and patience, you'll find whatwho yu are looking for :-)

From your post - it sounds like you're already on the way :-)

Warm regards,