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Genuine members

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Why is it that you go into the chatrooms and everyone wants to meet up and chat with you with the intention of meeting to play.

When push comes to shove, no one turns up or makes the effort to attend places where they can meet up and play.

Prime example: advertise that i'm attending the local club, turn up and no single guys attending on single guy night, yet they all moan about not enough females on the site, or fems not wanting to play.

Well my answer is simple, try turning up for meets, try attending single guy night at clubs.

This is why so many single fems and couples don't want to bother with single guys.

I'm am always happy to meet with single guys, but the lack of them that actually turn up to meets or venture to clubs is just stupid.

There are women and couples who want to meet single guys, so at least meet us half way by turning up for meets and attending clubs.

The club i attended had 30 confirmed single guys going, yesterday evening and NOT one shown up.

Pretty lame when i was there as a single fem, and there were 10 + couples all wanting to play with single guys, but alas none in sight to play with.

At this rate single fems and couples stand a better chance of meeting guys to swing with outside the swinging community, maybe Tesco is a better bet!

Re: Genuine members

Some single guys on here are their own worst enemies.

Personally if I arranged to meet somebody, or said I'd be at a club or whatever I'd be there.

Its simple, if a person says the will do something or be somewhere then they should be, unless they have a damn good reason why not and even then they should let the personpeople they are meeting know that they cannot meet and the reason why.

I'd love to meet you, but unfortunately we are too far apart.


Re: Genuine members

That's a good one Chick. Maybe all you chickscouples should give us older guys a try! See my Blog on Sex for the geriatrics!
Our problem is all the middle aged fems who won't even consider us.
You're right - are there any genuine members out there? (though I have met just a few)
Shame I'm not on the M3 (though what's this got to do with Cambridgeshire?)

Re: Genuine members

Hi Guys, just wanted to say thanks for your replies.

M3, is for the car and not the motorway lol

As for meeting older guys that's not a problem, the only reason for the age limit on my profile is that if i am looking for a younger guy whom i can play with and go out with as a regular thing.

Age doesn't factor into meets at clubs and parties and i tend to go with the flow.

Starting to think i scare men away. I attended a party on saturday nite and walked out of a room naked and asked if any guys would like to play, not one person accepted.

Maybe i'm a little to foward and men prefer to do the chasing, who know's.

One more kid free friday this week, so i'll try again and if not, i might give up and just go out locally to find willing men!

Re: Genuine members

why not try me during the day

Re: Genuine members

Good points, well made (as they say).

I've looked at your profile before, but was put off by the ages mentioned (I'm 45), although we did mail each other briefly a month or so ago (I was in your area but with very short notice, and you didn't see the message until I'd been and gone).

I've never really considered clubs before but if they're so short of single fellas then I may re-think!

Tell me a bit about your club, where it is and what the costs are etc and I may very well team up with you - if that's ok with you of course.

I'll send a photo with a PM to you, let me have one of you if you can.

Cheers, and best of luck!!


Re: Genuine members

Ooops - sorry B'Mer.
I don't understand where those guys are coming from! Unless you're an elephant or something they must be weird! maybe they're all flat-earthists, being from Cambs. Shame you're so far - try a trip to sunny Dorset and we'll give you a hammering you won't forget in a hurry - or even lick you gently to a climax if you prefer.
Try us soon! (but me first)

Re: Genuine members

Shame i was only in Dorset at the beginning of July for a couple of days.

If only i'd of known, we could have met up.

Re: Genuine members

Have you read my post under South Central - by HeyletsPlay

I am experiencing the same thing. I suggest that the next club meet you go to you mail me and I "guarrantee" I'll turn up if I say I'm going.

Not all the guys on here are a waste of time. Ian x

Re: Genuine members

a am a single 25yr old male...

i would absolutely love to go to a club my local club is liasons in rochdale but i have never experianced swinging nor sexual contact with a stranger ... i think it is i dont know what to expect or how to respond.. i see invites but are scared to reply or invite myself ... its the fear of a hoax or an unsafe environment.

if i was to have the oppertunity to be invited for a night i would go firstly for the curiosity and if i liked it and felt it was a welcoming environment i would certainly join and go at least once a week...

Stewart .. Rochdale

Re: Genuine members

if the age factor doesnt bother you m3 chick,i'd love a one to one with you. contact me if interested.

Re: Genuine members

hi i second what nwmale09 says seems some spoil it for the rest,i will not meet unless i had a good reason and would let the person knowimg src="imagesadultemoticons002.gif"

Re: Genuine members

Are you in Rochdale ... i saw "id love a one to one with you" after my post didn't know if it was directed towards me ??

Stewart Rochdale

Re: Genuine members

Sorry please ignore last message !! Confusion has Struck

Re: Genuine members

I would suggest that if you are nervous a swinger's club might be just the ticket.

I've never been to Liasons, but can certainly recommend Partners in Bury or Infusion in Blackpool. Both have very good websites that give you an idea of what to expect and give some guidance as to the behaviour expected of single males. This basically boils down to not making a nuisance of yourself and accepting the absolute rule that no means no.

I was nervous the first time I went to Partners, but soon settled. The key, I think, is to take it easy. Don't go with the intention of having sex and don't roam the place constantly looking for couples or single ladies to get off with. Instead be sociable as you would in any social situation, enjoy the facilities and you might be lucky enough for somebody to approach you. If you get chatting admit you've not been to a club before and you will find a lot of people are generally helpful, and it may lead to you having sex too!


Re: Genuine members

Hi there are a few threads on this subject matter . I to have put one on called Talk the talk walk the walk. I noticed that someone before me was also complaining,thats why i added one. There are quite a few gen people on here. Depends on what you are looking for.And the type of person you agree to meet. I noticed this when i first joined.I changed the type age ect guy i was looking for and the offers were no end. Had many meets and a great time was had by all. Met some great guys had great sex.Only had 2 let downs and one perve since I joined.I get endless mails form new people all the time.There is light at the end of the tunnel just be patient.

good luck hopefully you will find what your looking for

Re: Genuine members

bb your ever near luton gimme a shout you look lovely can accomadate j xx