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Single mails

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Hi everyone

I'm sure the answers are perfectly obvious but could anyone enlighten me to the status of single men within this community? I'm as interested from a sociological perspective as I am for the sake of getting my rocks off!

Re: Single mails


Re: Single males..

Some single males think they are regarded as an inbox nusiance... I seen a few posts here from single men moaning they have had no action from this site.. what do they have to do etc.. Personally though. I have found that you have to put in some effort into the contacts that you send.
Be HONEST, have a few pics in you profile, write a decent profile, spend some time on your initial contact message and dont take rejection personally, (remember this a virtual world here and you havent actually met the person and at that point, they are just text on a screen. and visa versa, (they have no idea what you are really like)).
Also, treat it like a numbers game, the more contacts you send out the more likley your gonna get a positive reply..
I have been on this site about a month now and have already met one really cool couple.... in that time I must of sent out at least 40 contacts...
In the main as well.. I have found most folks on here polite and curtious..
It works for me!!