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hi to everyone i am new to this site so i had better say hello to you all and if anyone would like to have a chat then look me up and e-mail me i will reply to all as that winds me up when other people do that to me hope to hear from some of you soon xxxx

Timewasters - a response for all you single guys

Hi Luck - This reply is a general observation rather than a direct response to you.

Welcome to the world of swinging.

Timewasters have been the bane of my life since 1997 when I started building swingers web sites and for many years before that when using the good old swingers magazines.

As a single male you have an uphill struggle to overcome the legacy left by the thousands of single males who have let couples and ladies down over the years.

Jojo and I advertise on here as a couple, and have had as many timewasters as any other couple, here are some of the things that we have observed and learnt over the years.

It starts with the ad:

-- Its a one liner we dont read them, nor do many other people.
-- There is no picture - we want to see what the person looks like.

A response to our ads:

-- A one liner we dont read it
-- No picture or request for pictures we dont respond, as our ads tell people where to see pictures and requests that the respondent has a pic, a picture is easy to take, and simple to upload.
-- Request to meet, but he is in England, when we currently specify Spain.
-- The guy is older, younger, fatter, or hairier than specified in the ad.
-- The guy is married but playing away, a no-no for most couples as swinging is based on honesty, if you are lying to your wife, you are probably lying to us as well.

Then after a meet is arranged:

There are guys who have failed to show, or who have turned up late, un-shaven, un-washed, unable to perform, 4 stone heavier than their picture, 20 years older than their picture; the ones who have lost their mobile, or left it at home and could not let their hosts know they could not get to the venue; the ones who got lost going to the pub they arranged; the ones who forgot the date: forgot the time; forgot they had a wife at home; the ones who had no pennies to buy their hosts a drink when they met; the ones who forgot they had to work late; whose cars broke down; who leave without saying thank-you; ..

As a couple Jo and I meet lots of people every year. If the guys are polite, friendly, honest we recommend them to other couples we know, and who we think would like to meet them. Conversely we dont hesitate to let people know about the timewasters. Other couples do the same, so a bad reputation will spread just as a good one will.

The only advice I can offer is, be honest, polite, turn up if given the opportunity to meet, be clean, tidy, on time. If the worst does happen and you do break down, or get lost call the hosts, there are telephone boxes everywhere if you forget your mobile. Take the contact details with you.

When you meet be friendly with the husband as well as the wife, if you upset him, she is not likely to play, and you will not get a return visit.

Dont expect your hosts to provide everything, if meeting in the pub, buy the hosts a drink, if meeting at their home, take a bottle, and take condoms with you.

Hang in there and keep trying and you will succeed.

Write an ad telling people about you, your likes and dislikes. Have at least one clear picture on your ad, showing your face rather than your cock. Cocks are probably the last thing a woman or couple want to see.

When writing to people make sure you have read their ad. If you dont match the requirements dont write, you are wasting your time, and the advertisers.

When you get home, write a thank you note, or send a thank you text message. It goes a long way to getting you back into the ladies bedroom.

David & JoJo

Re: hi

we r new to and thought we would say hi

Re: hi

Hi guys

welcome abord.


thank you

.thank you to everyone that has replyed to this post

Re: hi

thanks for the advice dirtydave,its nice to be able to get good advice,all the things you say are all down to good manners and wanting to be involved in the first place,i imagine that a few chaps think they know wot they want to do then when its offerd to them they get cold feet,i will take the advice you gave out,i am having my first meeting on thursday,i am really looking forward to it,no chance of a let down on my part i know that,

Re: hi

good luck mate, hope it goes well.


Re: hi

hi, read your qes and the replies with interest
its great to get some info and advice from someone who knows and also to get some of my qestions asked by someone else so i dont feel its just me
thought id also jump in and say hi to all, we are new here to and feel very much on the edge at mo but this forum is helping alot already

Re: hi

damned shame u r so far away....

hope you have fun in the scene and become a regular...

nice bra... looks like it was a bit of a messy clean up afterwards.


Re: hi

lol my lovely latex img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif" do love that stuff and so enjoy having it painted on me
no mess hon it just peels off after
great to wear out too in day or night time
oh yes -got carried away on latex then - thank you yes i do hope that we become regulars and im having fun at mo and hope to get more fun in the scene , thank you for ur comments much appreciated

Re: hi

hi all well i no you will all have fun i know i do you all have just got to keep going to you meet what you are all looking for and you never know one day i might meet you so keep looking

Re: Timewasters - a response for all you single guys

Hi David & Jo Jo

We agree wholeheartedly as a couple with what you have had to say. Why dont you look at our General Chat regarding feedbacks on couples singles that we meet? May be something that will help a lot of people get rid of timewasters.img src="imagesadultemoticons020.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons023.gif"


Re: hi

Hi Dave,

This is a new year and a new way of life for me, so my mind is a blank slate. I would like to thank you very much for the advice you gave - and lots of it. I cannot believe all the reasons for not being there. I know that, ifwhen, my first meet comes along I will be really nervous, but at least I now know the stupid things people have experienced.

I have mailed quite a few people in the hope of starting to meet people and make friends. A real bummer when I get no answers. Still, I will be hanging in there and trying again.

So, any advice on why people do not reply? I mean, can they all be busy all of the time?

My profile is up with some pics (a face is one). Do I still send a pic with my mail instead of letting them check out my profile? Which I would expect them to do anyway? And, no, they are not one liners, but perhaps could be more detailed. But what can a know-nothing newbie say that would be enticing? I also include email and each response is tailored to the profile - many of which are one-liners themselves! - not a mailshot.

Any more advice you can give would certainly help. Oh, I am not a paying member as yet - I want to see how this site operates first.

Many thanks,


Re: hi

Hi David

Excellent post this.....the most annoying ones are the singles pretending to be a couple, turn up at a meeting (obviously alone) and come up with the wirdest stories where the wife is....

Hi Mark

I suggest you put some more information and pics on your profil. Delete the cock shots, when my wife sees then (and i think this happens with many couples) she immediatly hits the delete bottum. You know, even if you think you have the nicest biggest hadest in the world - woman are not interested to see him at that stage.


Re: hi


Very helpful stuff. we are new to the site and this helps us know what to look for. very new to scene but we are both interested in taking next step, which will obviously be a bit nervy, but great fun once started. Have to admit we have looked at a few profiles and then went onto the forum to chat to like minded people. Never used chat rooms before and god was it mental, far too confusing to keep up with who's talking to who.

We went to bed last night thinking maybe our fee had been a waste of money but at least we tried. now i think it just takes a bit of now how and time to find out who is genuine and who isnt and will all be worth it in the end when we meet a couple or two that we can have fun with. feeling better already



Re: Timewasters - a response for all you single guys

This doesn't just apply to the men - I've just had the 'lost phone - couldn't tell you I couldn't make it from a 'lady'