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How we got here ....

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Hi everyone,

Dave and Debs here.

We’re completely new here, and new to the whole thing really. Let us share with you how this all came about:

Dave speaking:

Last Saturday, I had to go into the office, so Debs dropped me off and went back home. I was in the office by myself, although there is a window onto a busy street. After a while, Debs came on MSN and mentioned that she’d just got out of the shower. I was feeling a bit naughty, so I triggered the webcam, and in a flash there was a slightly nervous-looking Debs sat in a towel on my PC screen. We chatted for a little while, and Debs started to stroke her nipples through the towel she was wearing. Slowly, Debs’ self-consciousness started to disappear, and she began playing with her breasts for the camera, both of us loving the way that she looked on screen. When she sat back in the chair, I could see her fingers starting to work their way a little lower (although, rather erotically, the camera wouldn’t quite go that low).
To cut a long story short, about 45 minutes later I saw Debs have what looked like two very powerful orgasms on screen, and we were extremely excited, nervous and breathless – a feeling that stayed with me for most of the day

And that episode led is to this website. All I’ve wanted to do is tell this story, as all I can do at the moment is think about that episode, and the feelings that I have for Debs are now even stronger than ever.

To be honest, there’s a fair chance that we won’t return to this site now that this story is told, but I’m glad I found somewhere to tell it, and I’d like to thank you for reading this far.

Debs speaking:

Dave and I had spent the night before making love for hours. Our sex life has always been good but for some reason that we still don’t understand, it seems to be even better the last couple of weeks.

I had dropped Dave off at the office earlier and went home to get some housework done. About mid-day, I had my shower and as I washed, I was thinking about the night before.

Dave had mentioned the idea of using the webcam sometime for a naughty chat and although I didn’t feel totally comfortable with it, I was willing to have a go when he triggered the webcam conversation that morning. We chatted a bit and I was saying how chilly it was in the room because I was wrapped in a damp towel. Timidly I started to play with my nipples through the towel. I let the towel drop slightly, exposing a bit of my breasts, but not all. I did feel self-conscious as I thought I would, but also slightly aroused. I decided to swap the damp towel for my dressing gown and nipped off to do that. When I got back in the chair in front of the webcam again, I became a little more daring. I began to caress my breasts and fondle my nipples. Before long, they became very hard. From his chat, it was clear that Dave was becoming quite aroused too. I let the dressing gown drop off my shoulders and sat back in the chair and continued to play with my breasts. I was beginning to enjoy this. I started to become a little playful and a bit more daring. I loved turning on my husband and this was doing exactly that. I was now becoming quite aroused myself and let my hands travel down my belly. I started to finger myself gently at first, but before long I felt my clit getting hard under my fingers. I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this in front of the webcam and more importantly, I was really enjoying it.

We carried on this way for a while, and I thought I should stop, but I couldn’t. I started to masturbate right there in front of the camera. It was incredible. I lost all feelings of self-consciousness and the orgasm that started under my fingers seemed to reach every bit of my body.

As Dave said, the whole episode lasted about 45 minutes but it left me weak-kneed for hours afterwards.

When I finally went back to pick Dave up, there was another colleague there and so we nipped into a back office. We kissed deeply and passionately. I’ve always been crazy about him, but at that moment, I felt so much in love that I never wanted to let him go.

We talk about that episode a lot. It was a very intense experience, but also a very special one because I think it brought our relationship to a whole new level.

I have a feeling we’ll be doing it again.