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death bed

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A 94 year old man lay on his death bed with his wife of 70 years sat next to him. He knew the time was close to pass onto the next life so he squeezed his wife's hand and said;
"Dearest Betty, I remember all those years ago when we got married. I remember the crash on the way home from the reception where the horse and cart collided with the steam train and killed all my family, and you were by my side every step of the way. I remember the great depression when i couldnt work and you gave birth to the triplets even though it was hard to feed them and clothe them and i had to sell my arse to sailors and you were with me every step of the way. I remember when the war broke out and i was taken prisoner and starved and beaten but i got your letters and you were with me every step of the way. i remember when i was wounded so badly i couldnt work after the war and you had the twins so i had to sell my arse again and you were with me every step of the way. And i remember losing my hearing, my sight and my hair then having to sell a lung and a kidney to make ends meet and you were with me every step of the way. And now i lay here dying and here you are. Still by my side every step of the way"
The old man beckoned Betty closer to whisper and said
"Will you fuck off you're a jinx!"img src="imagesadultemoticons004.gif"