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When to make the first move

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We are new to swinging and a bit 'shy' about the whole procedure. My wife is the bi-curious one, and I'm just along for the ride (pardon the pun). I am a bit concerned as to the whole etiquette of the procedings and need advice.

When is the best time to make the first move with a third party?
Do we do it, or should she make the first move?
Do I join the ladies as a matter of course, or should I wait to be invited?
And when I join in the festivities, who should get my attention first?

Help. Any advice would be welcome.

Re: When to make the first move

We have our first meet from this site this Friday, on the occasions we have had threesomes (MMF) before, it has always been a spur of the moment drunk thing, there has been no build up, so it was all very relaxed.

This time we know that it will be on friday, so the tention is building up, we can't wait, but have built this up to be so good that I am afraid that true life may be somewhat of a dissapointment.

If I was you, I wouldn't worry about who's first and what they are expecting of you, relax with a bottle of wine all together and just go with the flow, if it feels good..do it!

Re: When to make the first move

Thanks for your thoughts. Gives me something to go on. Can't rely on the Drunk factor too much, as I have a medical condition that makes excessive drinking potentially fatal. Bummer. I still love fine wines and the like, but have to be very careful about the amount and time.

This has really cut in to my 'social creativity'. Ever tried doing some of those crazy things stone cold sober?

I've had a look at your profile. You two are a lot like us, and we would probably hit it off quite well, if we were not on the other side of the Planet. Still, we can always chat and exchange emails. You can get us by emailing .au

Drop us a line and we'll send you some pics.

Trev & Chris