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Just an introduction

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Have been on the site for a while now (3-4 months) and have had a few great meets. I thought it was time though that I introduced myself to everybody.

So here goes: My name is Greg and I go by the name of wintermute41 on here.

I`m very much a male and am as straight as they come (lol), but unlike some on here I can actually string more that two words together, so apart from great sex (More about that in a minute) you`ll also get a bit of conversation and maybe a laugh or two, lol.

I`ve been swinging for about two years now, but as I said earlier have only been on here for a few months. I havnt been to any clubs yet, nor have I had a chance to get along to any of the socials because of work, but I hope to get along to the essex groups soon.

As far as my favourite food or dink is concerned, I`m quite varied in that respect: I like italian, chinese, indian, mexican but I`m afraid I cant stand sushi. With drink, beer just does nothing for me, quite like guinness, red wine and whiskey (especially a nice single malt!)

I guess thats about all I can say, other than whats on my profile. Basically I`m a normal guy who has a need to shag with no strings. I love sex, always have, but I`m not into just getting my own pleasure and sod the other person - I get just as much, if not more, pleasure from giving pleasure than just receiving it (if you catch my drift). Oral is very much a speciality of mine, so far I`ve had no complaints.

Why not drop me a line and find out a bit more about me - you might find that you like the sound of me and we could have some fun - I promise you, I`ll make sure of it....!!

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