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Tribute for a Devil of an Angel

5:30 pm Thursday, 3rd June, 2021

I would love to upload a pic, but I promised her that I would not post any images of her without her explicit permission.

We met here on AussieBDSM. Her profile didn't even have a personal pic that I could see, at least, not a current pic. We chatted and started to get to know each other, and exchanged phone numbers. She told me later that after we had exchanged numbers, she had a moment of insecurity, wondering if she had done the right thing.

I was cycling home after a work party when the sexting became very interesting. It turned out that she was resident in a retirement home run by a major medical insurance company. She had suffered a heart attack and a leg injury, and was admitted to the facility by the hospital, having had no say in the matter. That bothered her, but she wasn't going to let that defeat her.

At the time COVID had hit and we were just starting to come out of lockdown, but the facility in which she lived didn't follow the rest of the state and kept their residents in lockdown for another 12 weeks. She hated living there, hated the food they fed her, and really hated her lack of mobility and fitness.

Still, she wasn't to be defeated, and teased me with text messages on my bike ride home. She told me that she'd had a male caller a while back who she had blown through the fence. I had already cycled past by a couple of kilometres, but at the mention of being blown through a fence, I decided to turn around and meet up.

We met face to face (through the fence) and the first thing that struck me was her lovely vivid blue eyes. She was also older than I'd anticipated at 65 (not that this is ever an issue for me - it was just a bit surprising) and she also had some severe mobility issues after her heart attack and leg injury. She must have seen something in me, because she just could not wait to have me unzip, and pass my swelling cock through the slats in the fence. She gobbled my meat greedily, and gave me the best deep throat I have ever had. Over the weeks, we flouted the rules by not following the social distancing guidelines.

One visit, I broke the rules by hopping the fence, which she really enjoyed, as did I, since she blew me twice in half an hour, something that I thought I wasn't able to do. I hadn't cum twice in such a short space of time in years. A big part of the enjoyment was the risk of discovery. More than once she blew me where anyone could have walked up and seen us. When lockdown lifted for her, we got together as much as we could. We went out for a meal, went to movies and went down the park. Each time she showed me that there wasn't anything she wouldn't dare.

Then I took her home for the first time to stay the weekend. The sex was fantastic! She gave the best head and deep throat that I've every experienced. She also appreciated that I like to play games. We both had dice sets well suited to the bedroom, and on that weekend, we played those dice gleefully. Some of the selections from the dice, I'd never done before. While she stayed, we spent more time having sex than not. Every time we met, she bought me gifts and plied me with food, drinks and cigarettes. (Like me, she was a smoker) She also let me poke my horny cock wherever I wanted. We played Dom/Sub games, and screwed anywhere we could.

The next weekend she stayed was over Christmas, then another at New Years. She was overjoyed that we screwed through Christmas, and asked me on New Years Day, "Were we really having sex at midnight?" To which I confirmed to her, that, yes, we were indeed fucking at midnight. And the sex just kept getting better. The more time we spent together, the more items we ticked off our respective bucket lists.

It was the week before Valentine's Day and the people I share the house with were having a birthday party in the back yard. This beautiful lady was excited to be part of a party. She sat out the back near the pool, enjoying the food and the company such that she hadn't experienced in years. She spent the afternoon and evening with a lovely shit-eating grin on her face, loving the fact that she wasn't in the facility that she lived in. We spent some of the time planning what we were going to do on Valentine's Day.

Given her mobility issues, she was fearful of falling. I assured her that while she was with me, I would ensure that she didn't fall. She trusted me. On the day of the party I also showed her how I could help her to get into and out of the swimming pool.

Next morning, we awoke and spent the first 90 minutes of the day exploring all the positions that the dice described. I cooked scrambled eggs for breakfast (somewhere near lunch time) before heading into the back yard. After a cigarette, we headed over to the pool, (possibly to fuck in the water during the light of midday - she would take any dare!) and I eased her into the water. Once she felt her weight lessen with the buoyancy of the water, she relaxed.

I swam a lap, and part way through the lap I heard her take a breath. As I turned I saw her swimming for all that she was worth. I reached her as she arrived at the side of the pool saying she couldn't breathe. I eased her onto her back, floating in the water, hoping that she could relax, thinking that maybe she was having a panic attack.

She quickly said she needed to stand and clutched at the side of pool, telling me how bad she felt. As she turned to me, I saw that her lips had turned blue. As she'd been a nurse all of her life, I told her that her lips were blue, then asked her if she wanted an ambulance. She looked me in the eye and said "No".

I held her close, slowly helping her over to the stairs to help her out of the pool. She never got there, and died in my arms. No matter how much CPR I gave her, and no matter how many paramedics there were, we could not save her.

Like a good live show, she left the stage leaving the audience wanting more. We had so many plans that we never got to, but in the nine months we knew each other, we had the best sex of our lives. It's one thing to tell and show salacious details, to describe every curve and fold of flesh. It is quite another to genuinely feel for each other, and fuck and suck our way to Nirvana.

At the end, I felt grateful to have known her, and grateful that she chose to die in my arms rather than in an Ambulance. And I was really grateful for the best sex of my life, only mildly regretting that we never got to have Valentine's Day together.

Farewell Di, and rest in peace. I may never have such great sex again. She lived according to her motto of "Never Give Up" and bought us matching gold bracelets engraved with those words. I wear the bracelet to remember and honour her, possibly the greatest lay of my life, certainly the most awesome sex ever.

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