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Turning Alice to a Hotwife - Ep01

5:00 am Thursday, 12th May, 2022

After chatting online for a time with Mike here we had a plan. Mike’s wife is sexy though as they both got older, just turned 50, she didn’t feel as sexy. Alice is 5’-5”, on the curvy side though she workout 4 times a week.
The plan was for me to act like a masseuse and see if I could get her to open up sexually. It took a while though Mike was able to convince Alice to try this experience while he wait downstairs. Mike told me later Alice was hesitant though on they arrived she went on the tour and decided to try it for the weekend.

Mike had rented a hotel room, After lunch, Mike brought Alice up to their room and text me the room number. And here is where my story starts.

Knocking on the door Mike answers. I step in with a bag with all my gear. Alice is there and a bit figgity trying not to my manhood. Introducing myself I start setting up the table and the room by putting candles, a white noise generator, taking my oils, while chatting with Alice to make her more comfortable. Asked if she’d like the heating pad on while I massage her, Alice says she would like the heating pad on. Before I start I ask Alice if she is ready or does she need to use the restroom first. I tell her Mike has scheduled a two-hour massage. She says she’s fine and kisses Mike and thanks him. Mike excuses himself and tells Alice to enjoy.

Having her start down I tell her this will be a gentle relaxing massage though if I find a tight muscle I will focus on relaxing it. Today is all about her Mike I tell her.
Starting her neck I slowly start the massage. Feeling tension in her neck I ask her if she sits a lot in front of a computer. She says yes so I work her neck for a time feeling her muscles relax. Mike told me she works so I tell her she must stay active since she looks great. Alice tells me she works 4 times a week and I reply that it shows. Working her back I get close to her ass but wait for the legs to focus my attention there. Lifting one arm I massage it starting at the shoulder then to the fingers. Taking my time I work her palm then her fingers. I find having someone caress my hand to be stimulating. Alice let’s a small moan. With that I move to the other arm and the same process all the while chatting and asking how she is doing.

With her upper body complete I move to her lower section. I’m wondering what Alice is thinking as from where I stand I can see everything. Oiling up my hands I rub her calf. Feeling some tension I ask if she’s done legs recently and if she stretched afterwards. She says she did some leg work yesterday so I tell her I’ll try to work the kinks as I find them. Slowly I work her calf then up her thigh. Using my forearm I run it up the outside of her thigh then down along the top. Next time up her outer thigh I go up over her ass and down again. Asking her if she’d done squats she says yes. Running up her thigh again I use my elbow and forearm on her ass. I tell her that this is easier since I don’t have a blanket to restrict me and ask if she minds me massaging her buttocks. She laughs at this and says “No, it feels nice”. I laugh and tell her I think it feels nice also. I spend an appropriate of time on her buttocks then move done to her feet. Massaging a woman’s feet is erotic for me and I take my time and end it by massaging and tugging each toe. Then I repeat on the other leg with more ass massaging. Complimenting her on her tone derrière which gets me another laugh.

Mike had sent me a quick during lunch about Jack and his erection to see if I could use something like that to with her about in a circumspect way.
After I finish massaging her butt I move to her feet. Finishing her toes I grab both feet and push them towards her butt asking if she can feel the stretch. She says “Yes”. Bringing her feet back so her legs are straight I widen them and repeat. Alice has her head in the hallow and I’m staring into her pussy. I can see she’s wet from my attention. Placing her legs straight again, I tell her it’s time to roll over.
As she rolls over she can’t help but notice my rock hard cock. She looks away and I tell her that in the outside grounds it’s frowned upon to be sporting a woody. Explaining women don’t normally see me this way so it’s easier to hide. I ask if she’d rather have me covered and shyly she looks again and says “No.” Telling her she is very attractive I say she must have seen a or two today that may have gotten hard looking her way. She blushes and tells about Jack. Looking down at my cock so as to make her I tell her that a man doesn’t get aroused except by an attractive woman. Her turns red as she says “Thank you”.

Having her lie down I start on her neck again. She closes her eyes as my cock is right there. At this point, I’ll mention I’m fairly thick. Mike is about 4” and average girth from what I saw and he was arroused thinking about me massaging his wife.

Massaging her neck, shoulders then arms and fingers I and ask her if she’s enjoying herself. She says “Yes. I haven’t had a massage in ages”. I ask if she usually has a or female and she says normally a female. I ask why not choose a male? Don’t you enjoy a man's hands on your body? She tells she feels like it’s cheating has a mans hands on her body. I ask if she feels like she’s cheating today as her husband set it up. She opens her eyes and says “No. I’m really enjoying this.” I tell her I usually have a woman massage and fantasize about what could happen, at this, she turns red and closes her eyes.

Finishing off her fingers, I start the shoulders again then slide my two hands between her breasts and down her stomach coming back outside her body. Coming back to her shoulders I ask if she’d mind a breast massage. Opening one eye she looks up at and says “Is this for you or for ?” Smiling I tell her I hope it’s nice for both of us. She smiles and says “Go ahead”. Oiling up my hands I start her neck then down between her breasts and run one hand left and one hand right, then palm her now erect nipples. Changing to two hands on the right breast I massage it, kneed it, and watch the nipple stiffen. Moving to the left I do the same. With both nipples erect I tug on both and Alice gasps. Her eyes are still closed through her breathing has quickened. Massaging her breasts some more I go back to teasing her nipples. Alice’s legs twitch as I play. Finally, I say “Thank you!” and without opening her eyes Alice smiles.

Trailing my hand along the outside of her body I move to her feet. Gently lifting a leg I move it to the side to allow me access to the inside of her leg. Again I massage her calf then I slide up her thigh. Not too far before using my forearm on the top of her thigh working on some knots she has. I then move back to massaging the inside and outside of her thigh working my way up. Her pussy is in full view and she has to know what I can see. As my hands get closer she spreads her legs just a . Getting close I stop, run my hands down her leg, massage her foot, then start on her other leg. This time moving the other leg further apart I see her pussy is glistening. As I move up her breathing quickens and her legs part ever so slightly the higher I go.

My fingers trace the outside of her pussy. Alice goes rigid as my finger slides between her lips. I stop, not moving, awaiting some sign from her. She whispers “Please don’t stop”. At this point, I give her a Yoni massage and listen to her breathing and body language as to what she enjoys. About five minutes in and she gasps convulses in an amazing orgasm.

Alice lays there a minute as I remove my finger from within her then starts to cry. She sits up and I move to her. She says, “I just cheated on my husband”. Reaching over to the table next to us I grab a and hand it to her. She opens it and reads it. Mike had shown the contents which say he set her up and she’s reading this now because he wanted this for her but didn’t know how to express it. It goes on to say that to get the letter she had to have had an orgasm and felt guilty. He is glad she is reading this as he loves her so much though would love to share her if she would ever consider it. He goes on to say that I’m probably about to explode and she should help in any way she’d like. Nothing is off the table today!

Alice looks up and says “I should let you walk of here without any release. What do you have to say?” My cock is still raging and the precum I’m no longer wiping at dribbles out. I tell Alice that my fantasy was to massage someone’s wife to an orgasm and then see what happens. Mike liked the idea and wanted to spice up their relations. “Being able to massage and seduce a beautiful woman into an orgasm was more intense than I ever dreamed of. So if you don’t want to explore more I can walk out the door. If you’d like to see and feel what else I’m imagining then lie back down.”
Alice gets off the table and stands. She must see the crestfallen in my eyes. Smiling she looks down, grabs my cock, kneels, then looks into my eyes and says “If Mike is allowing this I’m not wasting this beautiful cock”. With that she starts licking my shaft then sucks my cock. I tell her I’ve been massaging her awesome body for more than an hour and am ready to blow. She continues ravishing my cock and reaches around to grab my ass. Holding back as long as I can I finally tell her I’m about to . The wave hits deep and I grunt as my cock erupts in her mouth. She tries swallowing it all but I built up so much it dribbles out her mouth and onto the carpet. Licking her lips she tells Mike has never with a load so big and didn’t expect it.

After cleaning up I asked her if she was ready to experiment. Kissing me she says “I’m all yours”. Pulling the covers off the bed I push her onto her back and licked her pussy. Like a starved man, I go her. She pushes my into her and moans. Alice came hard for a second time.
Standing up I walked over to my bag and pulled some condoms. Alice looked and said, “I’m not sure I can go that far.” I told her Mike was hoping to hear that she enjoyed my cock entering her. Looking at my swollen cock she says, “Well let’s not disappoint Mike.” Sliding on the condom I have her get on all fours. I tell her this is called Jamaican Cocktail. Kneeling on one knee I have the other leg bent and lift her leg over it. Alice laughed and said, “oh what an imagination”. Slowly I entered her then halfway in I told her if she wanted more then to push herself back onto. Slowly she pushed back saying “OMG you are big. Oh I love it.” Once I am buried in her she looks back and said “Please fuck hard.” I don’t need any more encouragement as I pistoned in and of her. She moans loudly as we couple. Hearing her build-up to a climax makes harder. She said “OMG, You’re growing!” With that we both climax.

Alice gets up on her knees and twists to . She asked when I need to leave. I tell her I am available all weekend. She asked when Mike was assuming we’d be done. I tell her he asked to when we were done, so he didn’t give a hard stop. She said since Mike was allowing this and it may be a one-shot deal she wanted to take her to places she hadn’t thought of. I ask if she is sure and she kisses passionately with her hands roaming my body and mine hers.
Pulling my phone I pull up a website with sexual positions, Kumasutra. I tell her to pick a 1-400 and whatever the shows we’ll do. She agrees and picks 1. Looking it up it’s Watering Can. I lie on my back and she straddles with her arms around my neck. She tells she was thinking 1 might be doggie style and I laugh. Slowly she slides herself up and down on my member. We kiss and I grab her ass telling her how sexy she is. Her breasts are pressed against me as she grinds away.

To be continued


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