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the sad ukraine death

3:46 am Friday, 1st April, 2022

say no to war , we should not be afraid for all is with God , lets pray for Ukraine and russia , so many homes has been destroyed since russia invaded the country kiev after few weeks ukraine invasion rose to 40% pray for ukraine.

we are all one

In a new video posted overnight, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on Russian officials and propagandists to quit their jobs en masse.“I want to tell it straight, to all the functionaries of the Russian Federation, all those who are related to those who are now in power,” Zelenskyy said, speaking in Russian. “If you remain in your posts, if you don’t come out against the war, the international community will strip you of everything. Everything you have earned over these last long years. They’re already working on it.”He added: “A similar fate awaits those working in propaganda ecosystem, the fourth branch of the governance of Russia. If you continue working on propaganda, you’re submitting yourself to a much higher risk than if you just leave. Just quit. You risk sanctions and an international tribunal for propagandizing in favor of an aggressive war. For justifying war crimes. Quit. A few months of unemployment is definitely better for you, than a whole life of international persecution.”Zelenskyy also warned ordinary Russians that what awaited them after the war was “shame, poverty, long-term isolation, a very cruel, repressive system that will treat citizens of Russia exactly the same way — as inhumanely — as you, the occupiers, have treated Ukrainians.”

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