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Tightrope of Lace Chapter Five

6:28 pm Tuesday, 15th March, 2022

The group made its way slowly through the thickening storm. There was no traffic on the road, and the only sounds were muffled by the steadily falling snow. An eerie silence pervaded the street as they crossed the road and made their way down Naples Street, a succession of triple-deckers. Desiree stopped in front of one of them, fished through her handbag and held up her house keys triumphantly.
“Home sweet home,” she announced as she walked up the front stairs and unlocked the door.
Once inside, the warm air hit Dick in the face like a brick. His head was swimming as he stumbled up the stairs, Desiree in the lead and Romero following behind. Stepping onto the second-floor landing, she opened her apartment door.
The inside of the room was unlike anything Dick had ever seen. A thick red light pervaded the space, and huge black velvet paintings hung on the wall. The table was a morass of bottles and pipes, facing a large overstuffed couch.
“Make yourself at home,” Desiree said. “Take off your coat, and put it anywhere. Romero, be a darling will you, and pour us some wine?”
“Coming right up, hon,” he obediently replied as he walked off into the kitchen.
Desiree came up behind Dick, pressing her body against his back. He noticed something hard pushing up against his buttocks. She playfully brushed his hair as she walked past him.
“Lou Reed, huh? So, how was he?”
“Great,” Dick replied. “But I’ve been a fan for years.”
She walked over to the stereo, and pulled out a record with a banana on the cover. “Well, I’ve got some Velvets here. Why don’t I put that on?”
“That sounds great,” Dick replied, as Romero walked in with three glasses and an opened bottle of wine. He cleared a space on the table, poured them, and handed the glasses around.
The first chimes of Sunday Morning came over the speakers as Desiree held up her glass.
“To new friends,” she announced. “And old ones.”
They drained their glasses at once, and Romero planted a deep kiss on Desiree’s lips. She rolled against him, sliding her tongue into this mouth. She became aware of Dick again, slapped herself lightly on the face.
“Honey, you’re going to have to call home,” she said. “They’re all going to be worried about you.”
Dick felt like his brain was crawling out of a thick fog. “You’re right,” he managed. “Where’s your phone?”
“On the kitchen table. Go on -- we’re not going anywhere.”
Dick walked into the kitchen and found a squat black rotary phone. He picked up the receiver and dialed the number.
Three rings, then a voice. “Hello?”
“George, is that you?”
“Dick? Where did you go, man? I totally lost you after we got out.”
“Yeah, I’m a little disoriented. I ran across some friends who can put me up for the night. Just wanted to let you know.”
“Okay, thanks for calling. I was getting pretty concerned. It’s gotten really horrible out there.”
“So, is Scorp still there?”
“Yeah, down in the cellar, completely out of his mind. He’s building another robot out of what he can find around the house.”
“Well, that will keep him busy, at any rate. By the way, what did you think of the show?”
“Lou rules. But then again, Lou always rules. So, I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll make my way back in the morning, after some of the roads have been cleared. Have a good one.”
“You too, man. Be safe.”
Dick put down the receiver and returned to the living room. Desiree and Romero were standing, looking at him inquisitively.
“So, we all cool?” Desiree asked.
“Absolutely. I told them I’d be back in the morning.”
Pulling away from Romero, Desiree danced about the room, hair flying, her long gown flowing behind her.
“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!” she cried. “You’re with us tonight, honey, and I can’t think of a better way to ride out a storm.”
She stepped forward, put her arm around his shoulders. “Of course, if you’re here for the night, you’re going to need a change of clothes.” She turned to Romero. “Don’t you think, baby?”
“Oh, yeah,” Romero agreed. “But that’s your department.”
Desiree took Dick by the hand and led him into the bedroom. “Come on, hon. Let’s see what we can dig up.”
The bedroom was small, with one window. Outside, the snow was falling thick and fast, dancing against the panes. Desiree sorted through the clothes in the closet, and pulled out a pink babydoll outfit with padded embroidered breasts laced with ornate embroidery. She held it up against him, and stood back a little.
“Now, that should work,” she said. “Let’s get you some panties.”
Walking over to the dresser, she pulled out a matching lace-trimmed pair, and tossed them on the bed.
“Now, undress, honey. We have all night, but that’s no reason to dillydally.”
Dick pulled off his wet clothes and laid them on a chair at one side of the room. Then he pulled the babydoll over his head and put on the panties. He stroked the lingerie down over his body, feeling how it draped on his thighs. He was suddenly aware of having an erection, surging hard against the soft silk of the panties.
Desiree pulled out a makeup case and positioned him in front of a mirror. She powdered his face, and carefully lined his mouth with crimson lipstick. Then she grabbed a hairbrush and began arranging his hair, caressing the back of his neck with her other hand. At that moment, she stopped, turned him around, grasped his face in her hands and gazed into his eyes.
“Really dilated,” she observed. “Honey, you are tripping balls, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Dick admitted. “I ate a tab before I came out.”
She let out a throaty laugh. “Well, you are in for a treat tonight! Come on, let’s go talk to Romero.”
She took him by the shoulders and led him back into the living room. Romero was sat on the couch, working on his second glass. He had changed his clothes, and was now dressed in a large black dressing gown. Upon seeing Dick, displayed in pink lingerie, he let out a low whistle.
“Now, that is sweet!”
“What do we call this little girl, then?” Desiree asked, standing behind her with her hands caressing her shoulders. “You have a name, honey?”
“Vicki,” she said, blushing a little.
Desiree pushed her gently from behind, and stood back. “Go on, honey,” she cajoled. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
Vicki walked lightly into the room, the babydoll drifting over her thighs. The Velvets were cranking away in the background, with Lou talking about scoring heroin, shooting it up and then not giving a shit about anything. As the drug hit his mainline, the band surged up behind him, the drums pounding faster and faster. She ran her hands up and down her legs and slid them between her thighs. She started brushing her fingers against her panties, holding her head back, panting. She felt the lace trim of the panties, savoring the soft fabric beneath her fingers, her cock growing against the silk.
“I just don’t know anymore,” Lou declared from the stereo as she slid her hands under her panties, pulling her cock out. She started stroking it in time to the music, dancing about the room, unaware of anything other than the music and the soft silk caressing her body.
“Well, Romero, here’s another little surprise. This girl is off on another planet.”
He looked at Desiree, raised an eyebrow. “No shit,” he commented, watching Vicki dance around the room.
Desiree got up and grasped Vicki gently, leading her to the couch. Sitting her down, she handed her a fresh glass of wine while Romero rummaged around on the table. He opened a small wooden box and pulled out a pipe, along with a sandwich bag.
“This is just the stuff to keep you on an even keel,” he said, opening the bag. “Black hash. It will really mellow you out. Here, give it a whiff.”
He pulled a lump out, and dropped it into her palm. She put her nose down to smell. A thick, pungent odor hit her, with ginger overtones. She handed it back to Romero. “That is intense,” she observed.
“Wait until you smoke it,” Romero replied.
He packed the pipe and handed it to her, along with a lighter. She lit it, took a deep hit, and started coughing deeply.
“Good shit, huh?” Romero laughed.
Vicki had a hard time talking for a couple of moments. When she could breathe again, she realized her head felt like a balloon. She handed the pipe back to Romero, who immediately refilled it before handing it over to Desiree. She took a deep hit, laid her head back and let loose a thick plume of smoke with a satisfied sigh. She then gave it back to Romero, who filled it again and took a hit.
The three of them sat on the couch in silence for a moment, as the Velvet Underground weaved their sonic web in the background. Romero leaned forward and started filling the pipe again as Vicki took her glass and drained it. Desiree took the bottle and refilled it, leaning over her.
At once, she locked her mouth to hers, her tongue probing deep into Vicki’s mouth. At the same time, she was running her hand over her panties, feeling the erection surging beneath. She pulled out Vicki’s cock, and began stroking it gently. Then she bent over and took it into her mouth, sucking at it passionately. Romero sat up, slid his hand behind her shoulder, and kissed her fully on the lips. At the same time, he pulled open his gown, and led her hand to his surging cock. She began pumping at it, feeling the firm muscle growing in her grasp.
He got up from the couch and got onto his knees, aiming his thick hard cock at Vicki’s mouth. He grasped her by the back of the head and slid his cock into her mouth. She sucked at it eagerly, feeling the hot meat sliding over her tongue.
Sliding up onto the couch, Vicki opened her legs wide so that Desiree could grasp her hips and suck her hard member. She continued sucking Romero’s cock, taking all of its huge width into her mouth.
“Oh, yeah, baby,” he moaned, his head thrown back, both of his hands grasping her head, sliding through her hair. “That’s it, Vicki. Suck on that bad boy.”
Totally immersed in the experience, Vicki had no idea where she was. She was only aware of the massive cock in her mouth, Desiree working avidly at her dick. After some time, Desiree sat up, and got up from the couch.
“Little break?” she suggested, pouring more wine into her glass. Vicki got up, and drained her glass again. Desiree poured her another.
Romero sat up, packed the pipe again, and handed it to her. She took another hit, which was somewhat less harsh than the first one. She gave it back to Romero, who refilled it. Desiree walked over to him, took it and lit a deep hit.
She was standing directly in front of Vicki, her dress open and her black lace panties level with her face. Vicki reached out and pulled them down, revealing a huge black cock. She immediately leant over and began sucking it, pulling it deep into her mouth with her hand. Desiree stroked her hair for a while, moaning.
“Listen, honey,” she said. “I’m going to lie on the end of the couch. I want you on your knees on the couch, and suck me nice and deep.”
“I would love to,” Vicki replied, getting up and kneeling as she was told, her ass high in the air. Desiree was lying below her, panting loudly. Her cock was standing up, firmly, glistening with her spittle in the dim light.
She took it into her mouth, savoring the musky taste, mixed with perfume. She started pumping her head over it, sucking it in as far as she could go. Then she pulled it out, caressed the head with the tip of her tongue.
Desiree was moaning louder now, her hair scattered across the couch, her hands flung over her head. “Oh, yeah, honey, that’s the stuff,” she hoarsely cried.
Meanwhile, Vicki could feel Romero kneeling behind her, the weight of his body pressing against the back of her legs. His hands were sliding up and down her back, his cock pressed firmly against her ass. Then he gently parted her cheeks with his hands, and pushed a thick wad of warm lube into her ass.
Vicki was still working on Desiree’s cock with her mouth. Desiree was running her hands through her own hair, tossing her head around on the couch arm. Vicki could feel Romero’s thumb sliding into her ass, moving around and loosening her up. He then started sliding his huge cock up and down her ass crack, pulling forcefully on her hips. He stopped for a second as he lubed up his cock, and she could feel the huge member pressing urgently at her ass.
His cock was massive. He grabbed more lube, and slathered it over the head. Then he pushed it at her ass, his fist guiding it deep inside her. Her ass resisted at first, but he was determined. Slowly, he slid his huge cock into her hole, the huge meat filling her. She pulled her head away from Desiree’s cock, and cried out in pain and passion. Then he was completely inside her. Her head was swimming wildly as she continued sucking Desiree’s cock, feeling his humongous meat filling her ass. He held his cock still for a moment, holding tightly onto her hips.
He leaned over and whispered in her ear.
“Yeah, now I’m going to start really fucking you, baby.”
He started pounding her slowly, sliding his cock into her ass with an insistent rhythm. Desiree pulled on Vicki’s head, rubbing her cock over her face, and then sliding it into her mouth again. She ran her hands through her hair, her cock filling Vicki’s mouth. Then Romero started pounding faster, sliding his hands over her body, slamming her over and over.
Vicki was crying in ecstasy, and lifted her head up from Desiree’s cock. “Oh, God,” she yelled. “That is so good!”
Desiree grabbed her hair, and put her cock in her mouth again. Meanwhile, Romero was hammering her from behind, sliding his hand up and down her cock. His thrusts were getting faster, and she could hear his heavy breathing behind her.
“Oh, yeah, you love that cock, don’t you, Vicki?” he demanded. “You love the way that it’s sliding in and out of your sweet, sweet ass.”
All Vicki could do was moan, her mouth filled with Desiree’s cock. She kept pumping her head up and down, her tongue sliding over the thick shaft.
Desiree suddenly lurched backward, grabbing onto Vicki’s hair with both hands, her hips lifting off the couch. She jetted a huge stream of cum into Vicki’s mouth. She lapped it up eagerly, tasting the salty cream on her tongue.
Romero was really pounding at her now, thrusting his hot cock into her ass, his hands clutching her hips. She could feel his balls slamming up against her, his huge meat inside her, the thickness of his cock ramming deep into her. His cock growing, as he was reaching for his climax, and then he came at once, jetting his hot cum up her ass.
“Oh, yeah, baby!” he was yelling. “Take that, Vicki! Take all of it! Take my hot cock!”
Vicki was hanging onto Desiree’s cock with her fist and her mouth, feeling the blasts of cum jetting into her. Romero was hammering her cock with his hand, and she suddenly convulsed, feeling herself coming, spurting her semen all over his hand.
They all stayed still for a minute or two, gasping and moaning. Romero lay on Vicki’s back, his hard cock buried in her ass. He was running his hands over the pink silk, feeling her back and her thighs. He buried his face in her hair, breathing heavily on her neck.
“Honey, that was incredible,” he whispered in her ear.
Desiree was stretched out on the couch, her hair wildly spread around her head. She seemed to be coming to her senses.
“Holy fuck,” she whispered, grinning.
Romero leaned over Vicki’s back, and planted a kiss just above her thighs. She could feel his cock sliding out of her ass, and the soft brush of a tissue as he wiped her off.
Desiree sat up, ran her hands through her hair, and gave Vicki a kiss. “Let’s have another glass of wine,” she suggested. Romero pulled her over to him, wrapped her in his arms, and kissed her neck.
“You are the sweetest thing, baby,” he whispered. “We want to have you back again. Right, honey?”
“Oh yeah,” Desiree replied, sipping her drink and draping her arm across Vicki’s shoulders. She gave her a long kiss on the lips. “I’ll give you our phone number. Give me a call. Maybe we’ll meet up at Jacques.”
“I’d like that,” Vicki replied.
Romero let out a long yawn. “Well, what say we turn in for the night? I’m bushed.”
“Absolutely,” Desiree replied. “Our little girl has a long walk ahead of her in the morning.”

10:54 pm Monday, 6th June, 2022

Love this!

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Horny English girl, loves to get dressed up in lingerie and stockings, love to receive. No violence or degradation.

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