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A landscapers wife, sex does grow on trees.

1:26 pm Monday, 7th March, 2022

While during my handyman adventures I was introduced to a college grad at a local area nightclub for the wrong intentions. Someone told her about my handyman services as if to embarrass me. Found out she was the daughter of the owner of a very wealthy landscape nursery chain. Not saying any names but it starts with a P. After partying and drinking myself stupid I ended up sleeping over with this woman. She had a very nice apartment and had her little son living with her. I didn’t know she had a son till the next morning waking up with him asking for breakfast. The kid wasn’t a deal breaker, but alcohol did play a big role in her landing me in the sack. I wasn’t sure what she was looking for but I was not ready to be someone’s daddy. She introduced me to her father who was in need of some help remodeling portions of his home. I was a little hesitant and nervous because before that point I wasn’t sure what all she had told her father about our little drunken rendezvous and I feared she may have told him we were dating. Over a conversation and a stiff drink he said he needed work done over a period of time during different stages. After my introduction with her father I met his wife, she wasn’t at all what I had imagined she would look like. I found out she was my friends step mom. Her father had divorced and remarried to his new wife and they now have new children together. He was your typical hard working father who made it rich and lived in luxury. He wasn’t in the greatest of shape but was dark tanned. He had an unattractive face that looked older with grey hair and his unattractive face was littered with moles. His wife was a trophy wife and surely a prize from her fathers success. She had long blond hair, angelic blue eyes. Puffy rosy red lips. Slim build but not much was natural anymore. She must have been closer to my age at the time. She was a very attractive woman and as a couple they did not go together looks wise. After landing the contract of work I would make periodic visits time to time to work on certain things at his home coordinating around other contractors. It was one year around Christmas while the father was out of town, the mother had asked a favor of me. She wanted to borrow my truck on Christmas Eve to pick up an air hockey table for her children’s Christmas. Of course I offered to pick it up and deliver it myself, she offered to pay me But I refused. She was hot and sexy so just having her talk to me alone so discreetly about something was payment enough. That Christmas Eve night I went to pick up the table in my my truck. I delivered to her home and security gave me crap at the gate. They were aware I worked at a neighboring country club and was asking a lot of questions as to why I was making house visits close to midnight at a beautiful blond woman’s home. Finally getting through the gate The homeowner directed me to bring it in the basement entry around back. Upon delivery I realized I had to build this damn air hockey table from pretty much scrap. She allowed me in offered me a few beers and ended up assisting me with building it. We chatted away through out the night laughing and even found ourselves genuinely flirting with one another. She was still this stuck up gold digging woman I remember but I could tell she was a simple woman with basic roots who found the easy life. Deep down inside she was my typical meet up at a club and take home and fuck kinda girl. She was just waiting on that one Willy Wonka golden ticket that she purchased with a quarter found in a random storm drain. Later that night our flirtation became more physical as she started throwing pillows at me from the couch, all in fair ness, I insulted her gold digging ways and how she couldn’t afford me. After spilling drinks and laughing ourselves into body cramps, we finally completed the air hockey table and I wasn’t so sure we assembled it correctly. We did play a few games on it and she got very competitive and even started hitting me when I made the cheap shots. She said she hadn’t had this much fun in years. We made our way to her basement living room couch where she confessed how nice it was to relax and just be herself instead of always impressing others. She told me it must be nice being so free. I was like “what ever! Freedom doesn’t come free.” I told her about the hard work I put in everyday and then she went from this cute milf to this mature grown up that realized her and I possibly hooking up at the end of this was probably going to be a bad idea. As I left that night she thanked me at the basement door as she planted her juicy lips on mine holding my head against hers. She kissed me for quite a while, Then thanked me and I left. That drive home I could still taste her lips on my mouth. The following week I arrived as usual to start on some projects and she greeted me at the door with a smile. This smile was different. She had the smile of a woman who was really excited to see me, like she had been waiting a while for me to come back. Her eyes were so huge and I never knew the color of her eyes till that day. Her infectious smile came with a hug and she asked how I had been. We talked about New Year’s Eve plans and what each other was doing. I myself personally didn’t really have anything planned. It was my birthday so I can never plan anything, everyone is always making my plans anyways. She invited me over to celebrate with her since her husband wasn’t returning till a few days after. I told her I could probably swing by and work and then celebrate. She offered me the shower if I needed it. On my birthday I woke up excited and anxious to head back over to her home. At this point I haven’t spoken to her step daughter since my introduction with her father. Guess she got the hint. All I could think about was what not to say to the wife to kill any chances of her and I hooking up or me even seeing her naked body. When I arrived she had a house full of contractors and her kids were home. In the afternoon I finished up and proceeded to shower up for what ever her family had plans for that evening. She told me her children were going to a friends home to watch the neighborhood fire works and that she wasn’t wanting to go. I felt bad now because I felt like she wanted to be with her kids but felt obligated to entertain me because she invited me over. I told her it wasn’t a big deal and I could always head home. She grabbed my arm as if I was leaving for ever. She said “no please stay.” She said she really enjoyed my company and she could be herself around me. So I asked her what we were going to do as I slowly swallowed my tongue down my throat. She said she had some ideas. She asked if I had ever been on the golf course at night. I told her yes it’s part of my other job at night. We monitor the course from teenagers and what not. She laughed and said “good”. She said “the fire works view will be nice from the golf course”. So she grabbed some blankets and glasses with a bottle of spirits and away we went. We walked through her back yard through the woods. Towards the back, the trees opened up to a fairway. There was her little park bench with a view of the neighborhood backyards and woods across the fairway. The way she had the bench positioned it was like a little cove on a lake of grass next to a flat green with a flag and a hole. This cove was surrounded by an ocean of tall filled trees. I couldn’t see any neighboring houses except the lit windows in the houses across buried behind the woods. She laid the blankets out on the green and draped one on the bench. She popped the cork and poured us some bubbly. We sat on the park bench and talked in the dark. I felt so good being around her. Her and I were so much the same and had so much in common. I started forgetting she was married to a wealthy man who didn’t deserve her. She asked me about my secrets as she shared hers. I kinda eased my way into a discussion about what I do and love doing as a “handyman.” I was careful to not give her the wrong idea because man I was so close. After spilling the beans, she sat back and leaned away and laughed a little. She was kind of taken back. She said “are you serious?” She followed that with “you don’t look like someone who well would…. I mean your hot and yeah I can see women enjoying your company.” I handed her a VIP card to show here I was legit. She asked how many clients I had. I told her I never tell. At that moment I felt as if she felt less valuable. I told her she wasn’t a client because we never exchanged interests like that nor did she have my VIP business card. I told her me being there with her was totally genuine and she wasn’t just some case I was working. She said okay but I could tell she was a still a little hesitant to open up much more. I asked about her dark little secrets and she kind of said hers wasn’t anything like mine. I didn’t care I needed to get her going again or she was going to lose interest. I finally got her to open up revealing dark secrets about fetishes and fantasies she enjoys. She was into whips and being tied up. She loved bondage. I told her it was kinky and I could see her tied up in sexy lingerie. Thank god she smiled and asked if I thought so. I had her hooked on me again through conversation. She asked if I liked doing it in public. I told her yes and all the time If possible. She smiled and said that was a fantasy she has been wanting to fulfill. I asked her what about the green in front of us and pointed to the blanket she had laid out. She smiled and looked down. She did the whole I’m shy thing, don’t know shrug. She said she wasn’t sure she was really ready to make the first move. I laughed and I leaned in on her. She welcomed my advance with another long wet kiss on her juicy lips. I caressed her shoulders with my hands and ran my fingers through her hair. She leaned into me and climbed onto my lap facing me and started straddling me as we kissed. Her tongue was so gentle and soft. She moved her tongue slow and easy navigating my mouth and tongue. She placed her hands behind my head pulling me in closer. She started to grind me a little making my cock jump with anticipation. I could tell she felt me as she laughed under her breath while kissing me. She then looked up and around as she undid my pants and slid them down to my ankles. She grabbed my cock and started to stroke it slowly as she continued kissing me and looking down time to time watching me get longer and harder. She began rubbing her body against my legs as if she was trying to rub her pussy through her pants. I could tell she wanted it and was willing to let it all go for a chance to feel normal with me. I grabbed her ass tightly and stood up picking her up and I carried her to the blanket on that green and laid her down. She leaned her head up begging for another acceptance kiss. I laid my body on hers, kissing those puffy red lips, I slid my hand underneath her shirt and up to her ginormous breasts. I could tell they were fake and hard as rocks. Her nipples were daggers piercing through her shirt. I could feel her heart beating out of her chest as she was nervous as I was but at the same time she was so ready for this moment and had been waiting for quite some time. She reached down and pulled her shirt up over her head and spread her body out across that blanket. I kissed her neck, dragging my tongue down and up around her ears towards the back of her neck. I moved my tongue then across her shoulder and towards the back shoulder where I noticed some tattoos. I bit her gently flicking my tongue against her shoulder blade. Her body quivered and she jumped a little. I kissed down her arm to her hands where I sucked her fingers as I stroked my self. She then moved her hands down and started rubbing her self. I kissed back up to her chest and navigated my way around her breasts and down her stomach. Gently slid my tongue around her sides just below the rib cage making her quiver again until goosebumps covered her body. I laid my body behind hers and pulled her leg up and around my neck as I was facing her pussy and she was facing the back of my head. I now have her legs apart and her leg over my head revealed a magnificent pussy that was pulsating and wet. Her clit was larger than most and was amazing to see. Her lips already spread apart as if they were waiting on my big cock to enter. With one hand I spread her lips apart opening her up. The other hand I massaged her inner labia up and down squeezing them so gently as if sprinkling salt on my steak. I planted my mouth over her breast and nipple sucking on each one. I would time to time lean over looking down at her pussy watching my fingers work. I would blow the heat of my breath on her clit. Using my thumb I gently flicked it left to right. I felt her clit grow bigger and her pussy squeezing open and close. Her pelvis thrusted up and down with my motions as if she was having sex. Her hands made their way to my hair where she massaged my scalp and one hand made its way between us to my cock where she squeezed it again. She leaned her head up to mine and asked me to fuck her properly and to fuck her right. I slid my hard cock inside her from behind. Us both laying on our sides I watched my cock move in for the kill. As I progressed faster and harder she started tapping on her pussy like a beating on a bongo. She arched her back in and grabbed my waist pulling her closer to me her moans turned into grunts as she started moving her body against mine making it harder and faster. I placed her leg back down and she got up on all fours as I climbed up behind her. I rammed it back in and continued. I planted one foot and one knee on the ground. I reached underneath and started playing with her clit as I fucked her. I then inserted one finger with my cock inside and the other hand I placed my finger over her ass hole. After applying pressure she started rocking back and fourth, and back and fourth, slapping her ass against my crotch. Her grunts turned into words saying “yes, yes, yes that’s it, don’t stop”. She said she was getting close as she dropped her head to the ground her breast bouncing forward and backwards against her chin. Her necklace dangling out of her mouth as she clinched on it with her teeth to keep quiet. I sat up placing both feet on the ground and started fucking her from behind straight up and down. This drove her crazy and made my sensation so much more pleasurable. She asked to flip over so she could see me when I came and she wanted me to see her face when she came. After flipping over she planted her mouth around my dripping wet cock and started to suck me off. Her long fingers and long nails were stroking me into her puffy red lips. I could now see all of her tattoos and see what a trophy she was indeed. This woman looked nothing like the role she was playing in her marriage. I remember her angelic blue eyes looking up at me as she took my cock all the way in. Her eyes rolled back and watered as she blinked. Pulling my cock out she gagged and coughed drooling spit on her lips, she took it back in gagging some more. She squeezed my cock tightly massaging my balls in between each stroke of her lips. I leaned over her playing with her ass hole and shoved in my fingers in her pussy to keep her wet and satisfied. She started rocking again on all fours sucking my cock as if my fingers where a third party fucking her from behind. This was so hot to me and I was ready to explode. I began thrusting my cock into her mouth as I started pounding my fingers in her pussy and one in her ass. I felt my self cumming soon and laid my head down kissing her back as she sucked me like a baby calf sucking a tit. I told her I was going to cum all in her mouth. She moaned “yes please do”. I stood back up, leaned myself back and shot my load deep down her throat. The sensation was so powerful I lost my balance and landed back on top of her. She never let up and kept on sucking. Her lips vibrating on my cock as she moaned with my cum squirting even still. I pulled out my cock and slapped her tongue with it before I spun her around and planted her wet pussy in my face. Cock throbbing, I shoved my tongue deep in her pussy and started to suck her juices out. I vibrated her big clit with my lips and tongue shoving in two fingers I started to pound finger fuck her. I curved my fingers up and penetrated fast and hard raising her up with one hand underneath her back. She clutched her body pulling her head down towards her pussy her arms grabbing her lower legs to hold her still. As I got harder and faster she started to scream louder and she said she was going to squirt. I was like “hell yeah let’s do it girl.”She finally had a few small squirts and then right before she was going to cum she asked me to shove my cock back in. Unbelievably so, I was still rock hard. I started pounding that pussy with my cock with every thrust her pussy splashing around my balls. I raised her body up in the air with mine her head and shoulders only reaching the blanket. I pounded harder and harder not caring anymore what the neighbors heard or saw at this point. I was about to get my second nut. She dug her long nails into my legs and screamed “YES YES BABY!” and then she came all over me. She quivered again, body went into a full orgasmic seizure as I was about to get mine. I felt her pussy clinch up around my cock and I kept pounding away. At this point her body was going limp with exhaustion but she was still feeling it and enjoying my cock. As I was about to cum again she said she wanted another load in her mouth. I yanked myself out and she basically face planted on my cock, her lips surrounding me, I blew a second load. When we finished we both laid still on our backs looking up at then stars. I asked her if she thought the neighbors heard us. She said “probably yeah”. We both retreated to the bench wrapped up in a blanket and poured ourselves a glass of Champaign. Not even 15 minutes after we sat down the fire works went off and she looked into my eyes and said “well handyman happy New Years and birthday”.We continued being friends with benefits for a while after I finished the projects around her home. Eventually other clients and projects took up my time away from her needs and her suspicious husband. Later on I found out her step daughter, my old one night stander, mentioned to her of our little rendezvous from the club. I haven’t spoken to her mother, my friends with benefits since then really. It was recent though where she sent me a text picture of my old business vip card that had been through the ringer as if she had moved and found it under a piece of furniture. Next to the photo was a heart and three dots. It made me smile knowing she isn’t mad at me and that she loved the memories that card gave her. I may have to reach back out again.

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