More about my vanilla side for the curious you

1:55 pm Wednesday, 1st September, 2021


Height - 5 feet 11 inches and some
Weight - 83 kg
Body Type - Fluctuates between Fit and chubby, Now Fit.
Ethnicity - Indian
Job - Salaried/Self Employed

Religion - Born Hindu, Atheist, Live and let live
Food - Spice lover, Sweet lover, Non fussy, Will eat most things
Sports - Plays: Volley ball, Chess, Table Tennis
Watches: Cricket, Tennis
Personality - ENTJ
Movies - Sci-fi, Suspense, Thriller, Superhero, Horror
Music - Rock, Country, Indian Classical, Bollywood, Reality
TV/Streaming - Comedy, Action, Suspense, Thriller, Supernatural, Sci-fi, Reality talent
Smoking - Occasionally, four twenty friendly
Drinking - Socially, Single Malts, Bourbons, Scotch, Whisky
Drugs - None
Hobbies - Teaching, Training, Reading

Blog Introduction


Be kinky, be honest, be experimental