A bridge too far with the wife!!! Any thoughts PLEASE on how to get the sexy back???!!!

12:07 am Wednesday, 24th October, 2012


After firstly (AND FINALLY) having some sensuous, hot, horny sex with the wife - & then having her phone me at work whilst she fucked herself silly with her new rabbit vibrator - I thought I should try to be even more explicit with some of my sexual fantasies! However, in hindsight, it was a bit toooooo much - & I'm hoping it's not undone all the horniness we've had in the last week or so!!!

We were sitting on the sofa watching sexcetera (my wife joked that she wanted to watch 'porn' together, and this was the closest that she felt relaxed enough doing for now!) when I asked her what sexual fantasies she had. She went very quiet and said that she didn't like talking about things like that, as it still felt weird and dirty (as mentioned previously, she comes from a VERY religious family). So I said that fantasies were just that,'fantasy', and didn't mean that it was you'd want/need/have to try in real-life - and that some of my fantasies would shock her! She looked at me as if to say 'pervert'!!!, but then said 'go on then, tell me hwat you'd love to do to me'. I wasn't sure of this, as I thought it could lead down a very slippery road - but she asked me to tell her my favourite fantasy. She then said, 'We've hadn't had sex for ages and got in a rut, and I KNOW you spend ages in the toilet!!! What are you fantasising about when you wank your self most nights??' I was shocked she had blurted it out, and even more shocked (and disappointed!) that she'd not come in an 'given me a hand'!

Therefore I took a deep breath & let it all splurt out so to speak! I started by saying that it was 'JUST' a fantasy, and that I honestly hadn't tried anything!!! I explained that my role was very pressured where I have to spend the whole time fighting to get things done; to dominate or be forceful - and that my work clothing (of suit & tie etc) was very masculine. As I said this I could almost feel her body language tense up, but I carried on! I therefore said that I found the idea of cross-dressing intriguing, especially as aesthetically lace & stockings are amazing, and that I had long thin legs - and wondered how I'd look in them! I kept on talking and talking, explaining how being 'feminine' and 'sissyfied' was a real turn on - to be made up as an innocent virginal school-girl would be a new experience. She raised her eye-brows, not saying ANYTHING and then asked me to continue. Therefore I said that also a previous girlfriend used to finger me & massage my prostrate when giving oral sex, and that I used love the orgasm I'd get from anal play. Again, she raised her eye-brows & said NOTHING. Therefore I continued, and said that my ultimate fantasy would be for me to be dressed as a sissy-schoolgirl-slut, and have her fuck me with a strap-on. I said that the feeling of being penetrated, of sumbitting, of being the receiver, and of feeling something inside ME rather than be the giver was a real turn on.

NOW it was her turn to talk - and she said that she knew I was bicurious. I explained I wasn't and that dressing in sexy lingerie whilst having her penetrate me didn't mean I fancied men!! But she said that wanting stuff in your arse was a LITTLE bit gay!!! I said it wasn't the penetration, more the whole scenario of being on the receiving end of 'cock', of submitting, and letting my senses go - and that 'P-spot' orgasms were not gay. I tried to show her sex toys aimed at couples wanting to experiment with anal play - but again she said it was weird. I explained that it was just a fantasy, and wasn't that better than fantasising about fucking her friends!!! But still she seemed shocked! She sat there quietly, and didn't say another word! I tried to explain how sharing this as a couple COULD be the most amazing experience - with her taking a more dominant role, doing some role play, dressing up, and ultimately me getting sexually fulfilled without sexual penetration (which is what she struggles emotionally with).

I said again that it was only a fantasy - and that just because I wank over the horny-thought of it, doesn't mean I WANT to try it (I said lying!!!) but then she looked at me straight in the eye and said 'Have you ever worn any lingerie'? I said that there was no way in the world I'g get my fat arse into her small lingerie, as she was sooo much thinner than me - and she said 'good'. She then asked me again, but have you worn any knickers? I had 3 choices - to lie, tell the truth, or somewhere in between! So I said that my previous girlfriend who liked to finger fuck me had once asked me to dress in her stockings, suspenders and knickers- and that we'd then fucked. She was disappointed that I'd never told her - and I said I knew it would be out of her comfort zone. I wanted to push it more, and ask whether she liked the idea or not - but knew she may hit me?! I wanted to tell her that for almost all the 20 years of our marriage I'd secretly bought sexy lingerie (from basques, stockings, suspenders, knickers, baby-dolls.....) but always threw them away in a panicked state that she'd find them. I wanted to tell her that I wanted to lie dressed in my lingerie, whilst she stroked my stockinged thighs; and that ideally I'd love her to dress me from head to toe (wig, make-up, nails and all!) and then explore my sissy feminine body. But knew that this would be toooooooo much - so instead said, with my cheekiest of smiles, 'so when do we go to Ann Summers then?!' She smiled and said, we could go to Ann Summers to get another rabbit, but NOT for lacy lingerie and certainly 'not for a fucking strapon'.

I could tell she was angry/confussed/annoyed/disappointed (or all of them!?) so pulled forward to kiss her, yet she pulled away. I said it was just a fantasy, and didn't mean anything yet she looked, pondered, and went upstairs to bed!!! I followed her, and aksed her to cuddle me - which she did, but with her previously 'frosty' unhorniness! In the morning it was business as usual as if nothing had ever happened - and now I'm unsure how to get the sexy back into our relationship??? Obviously pushing it any further is not a great idea; but do I drop the cross-dressing and hope we can get the horniness back??? Or do I continue on my sordid quest for cock, cross-dressing, sexual adventures of pushing my sexual boundaries, and my ultimate of a sexy couple - with cock and strapon to satisfy all parties???!!! THOUGHTS PLEASE!!!


11:10 pm Wednesday, 24th October, 2012 sissyCDisback

WOW!! Thanks for the really great messages of support!! Usually the comments are related to "I'd fuck you...shag your wife..."etc - but these are ACTUALLY helpful!!

And to be honest it is doing my melons in!!! I adore cross-dressing and would love to share it with heer so bad, BUT I know it is soooooo far out her comfort zone.

An the more I have a non-sexual marriage - the more I desire different things & cross-dress - and the more I have a non-sexual marriage - and .....

I've tried soooooooo many times to give up corss-dressing or my quest for cock BUT CAN'T!!! So????

I dunno the answers! I still get meet requests on here, have potentially one at the weekend, and still sneakily cross-dress when I can. I wish she could participate OR I could give up - and NEITHER seem likely. At the moment it seems like it's only gonna end in tears!!!!

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just can't give up this lifestyle! Love it too much to walk aways