The horniness continues - yet more hot sex with the wife!!

11:50 pm Monday, 22nd October, 2012


After my last blog I was very keen to ensure we (the wife & I) did not return to our old, boring, non-sexual ways - so therefore suggested to her that we make sure it is not another 6 weeks until our next session! I also said it'd be good to add a little bit more spice (in fact a LOT more spice!), and left her a series of hidden notes (in her bag, purse, knicker drawer etc) of some 'ideas' I thought we could try, and also said that she'd talked about getting a rampant-rabbit for ages, but that now was the time. I never thought she'd get one, nor hornily demonstrate it's orgasmic power down the phone - whilst I'm sitting at work!!!

I work in an open-plan office and got a call from the wife. I placed on my headset and answered - and heard my wife giggling, as she said 'guess what I've just bought'. Before I could answer, I heard the buzz down the phone! I was shocked, horny, and desperate to rush straight home - but instead listened on as I heard her describe it to me in full, graphic detail. She told me she was laying in bed, naked, and was about to see what all the fuss was about. All the while I said nothing, trying to concentrate on my work - and ensure that my now semi-erect cock was not visible in my suit trousers! My wife was telling me in precise, horny, x-rated details what she was doing - how it was massaging her clit, how she had it pressed against her moist wet lips, how it was now entering her, how the rabbit ears felt amazing on her clit whilst it was deep inside her, and how she played with the many different settings. After about 5 mins I could tell she'd put me on speaker phone, and obviously needed both hands to fully benefit from the horniness of it. I could tell by her groans and moans that she was enjoying herself - especially when she said 'fuck, why I have I waited sooooo long to get one of these'! To her her wildly and rampantly musturbating and fucking her self into a self-sexual frenzy was amazingly horny - especially when I was at work, concentrating on ensuring I was not showing my now even harder and erect cock and hoping that no-one could hear the horniness from down the phone. I asked her how things were going, and got a squeal of 'amazing' - as she then told me how she now had it kind of resting on the bed, and was squatting and riding it whilst ensuring the rabbit ears rubbed her clit. I could tell she was building up to a crescendo of explosion as her squeals, groans & moans were getting more frantic - and more loud! Soon she was gasping down the phone, saying 'I'm cumming...oh god...I'm cumming', and I had to check the phone volume to ensure no-one could hear!!! I could still hear the graoning, wet-soaking-fucking and the vibrator noise on it's most potent-horny setting. After a short while there was just the contented 'mmmmmmming' and groans - although I could still here the gentle buzz of it on a lower setting, I could tell that she obviously had cum, but tried to maximise the orgasm and horny sensation as long as possible.

I then asked what she was doing for lunch, and she said she would DEFINITELY be having seconds! She said she had to go, so I said I'd try to get home for lunch - or at least sneak out from work for a while. I now was toooo horny for words, but finished off some work to take my mind off things (& to let my erection subside a bit!) - then got a text from my wife saying she was out for the rest of the day, and that I'd have to live with my horniness until tonight. But I couldn't - I'd never even contemplated wanking at work before!, but quickly went to the toilet and took my cock from pre-cum sodden boxers and slowly started wanking! Although no-one was around I gently and quietly wanked, caressing the pre-cum around the tip of my cock. I was picturing my wife riding and fucking her new toy, and couldn't wait to be the person in control of it. After a while I built up more and more speed, wanking faster and faster depserate to cum - I quickly got a tissue ready, and then exploded cum into it. I was soo horny that a large gush and load spilt out, and dripped down the end of my cock and slowly dripped down the shaft. The horny image of it gave me an idea, so I quickly took a photo and sent it to the wife!!! I then wiped the cum off my cock onto my fingers, quickly placed them into my mouth and licked them clean. I could not believe that I'd just had a quick horny wank at work; or that my wife had an even hornier one at home DOWN THE PHONE to me at work!; or that I'd sent a photo of my spunky cock to her!!!

It was an amazing new experience for me after 20+ years of marriage, & I soooooooooooooo hope it is just the start of more horny experiences with the wife that I can share with you - maybe one day even getting to share THE WIFE with you??? Can't wait!


1:56 pm Tuesday, 23rd October, 2012 sissyCDisback

Hi Sky - I would DEFINITELY buy one! Seeing my wife get soooo much pleasure with one is a real turn on - and makes sex afterwards even more amazing! Sxx

Blog Introduction


just can't give up this lifestyle! Love it too much to walk aways