Draft Wednesday, July 6, 2022 12:58 PM

2:05 pm Tuesday, 12th July, 2022


Part 1
Pam sqeals with lust as I'm fucking her hard, pounding that pussy Doggystyle pulling her hair. "You like me fucking you rough don't you? Tell me!" I demanded.
" Yes Master I love you fucking meeee, ooohhh Master! " she replied.
"Look at him over there and tell him bitch!" pointing to her husband sitting with a ball gag in his mouth tied in a special chair I built with a built-in fucking machine going in and out of his ass and cock milking machine both set on full power.
"I love fucking my Masters cock, sucking it until he cums on my face and tits. You wimpy little dicked cocksucker - Master owns me and I own you little sissy bitch!" she yells looking him eye to eye with disdain.
"Good little cumslut!" as I slap her ass cheeks. "You've done well to serve me all these year's and for that I m going to untie your wrists and fuck your ass." It's been about 10 years since I began fucking Pam...but more about that later. "Spread your cheeks, yeah just like that baby," as I ram my well cunt frothed cock in her ass. "Take it my dear cumslut, yake that cock all the way home," as I pick up the pace. I grab the leash on her collar that is tied via chain to the clamps on her nipples and the clamp on her clit I push harder and more vigorously in and out of her ass.
"Oh my god Master fuck my ass, yyeeaahh! Master may I cum, I'm soo close Master! Master mmaaayyyy I cum?", she pleaded.
"No, not yet. Grab your chain and pull it hard," I commanded.
"Oohh, eeii! " she cried out.
"You may cum now!" I stated and grabbed her hips fucking that ass like a mad man.
"Master! I'm cumming Master! Aayyiii, ohoh mmyy godd!" as she writhed in orgasm.
"Now servant I'm going to fuck you until I'm ready to cum" I told her. Phap,phap,phap,phap as my strokes came harder and faster. "Rollover and open your mouth and catch my cum in it or I'll use it like a cunt you fucking wh0re, you know you want it - arrggghh...take...myy...cummm!" was my last yelp as I came in rope's and rope's in the precious sweet little mouth. She swallowed with vigor as much as she could right before she gasped and passed out. I lay beside her cuddling and nuzzling her until a sweet little moan and smile turned up on her mouth. Hearing the milking machine and whirring of the fucking machine I turned and saw they had taken their toll on Bill as he sat passed out I switched them off with the remote on the night table. I again recalled how it all came to be. Join in as ecplain how we all ended up in this situation. And oh, I'm Steve by the way Steve Mann. I'm 5'9" stocky build, ( you get that way after more than 10 years weight lifting and playing football), blonde hair, blue eyes with a Van Dyke mustache and goatee. I'm 60 years old, but look 20 years younger and retired. Most of the men my age are bald or grey even white headed. I'm a jack of all trades and it comes in handy in more ways I could tell you.
One day I'm at a bigbox lumber store, (as most men do), i like to window shop for good deals on tools, materials, gardening supplies...you know the usual. When i find one I snap it up. This particular day I hadn't found much of value and headed out. Once in the parking lot I spotted a very attractive MILF trying desperately to load items that obviously were not going to fit in her small SUV the way she was trying to load them. She was probably 5'10" tall, 36 D with a green buttonup top tied in a bow at the waist, wearing tan pocketed shorts and tennis shoes. I called to her and asked if she could use some help.
" If you don't mind please... I just can't seem to get all this loaded") was her reply.
I tried to no avail to assess the situation🤔 and it quickly became clear it just wasn't happening. There is just no way you can put 20lbs of crap in an 8 ounce bag, 😆 I asked, "Do far to go or another way to transport it home?"
"No, my husband drives the truck to work. Why do you asked?" she replied.
" Well, if you aren't too far away I 'd be glad to load it in my truck and follow you home." I told her. "But, to set you at ease I'm Steve and if you're not in a big hurry. I'd like to grab a cup of coffee after loading this in my truck. That way you won't think I'm just some 'nare do well trying to harm you." I could tell she had been staring at my butt and nervously firting with me.
"I'm Pam and that sounds like a good idea!" she exclaimed with a sigh.
We loaded up her bounty into the bed of my truck she was more relaxed, flirtatious and I swear she had unbuttoned 1 or 2 buttons on her blouse.
"Follow me over there to the cafe' and we can have a cup and chat for a few minutes," I told her. We sat on the veranda outside and I placed our orders. "So Pam you getting the supplies for your honey do list to keep your husband busy?" I asked jokingly.
" Well, actually he isn't that handy and in reality I do most of the work and have to tell him what and how to do most things, but he tries his best. It can be so tiring having to be in control of everything all the time. iI just wish..." her voiced timidly trailed off.

"Wished what?" I pressed.

"Oh, you know..." Pam trailed off again.

"Come on you can say it." I blurted out.

"I wish I could let go and not be in control all the time." said Pam.

"In what way? Not everyone is coordinated, mechanically gifted or can do everything." I stated.

"It's not just that, (as she leaned over I could see she has indeed unbuttoned her blouse, and she wasn't wearing a bra,) it's in everything. I mean when I saw you walking over, then take charge of the situation I knew that there's a guy that knows how to take charge, and I got soo wet," she confessed.

"You are indeed right...now let me see just how wet - go into the bathroom take off your panties, do Not rub or stick your fingers in your pussy and comeback stuff them in my pocket." I quietly told Pam. She lept up and ran inside and returned quite quickly returned and did as I had told her. By this time my cock was so hard my shorts were tented. Pam squealed a little while following my instructions. "Pam, I think we'd better get going while we have plenty of time." I stated. although I knew there was no way i could hide my erection. She giggled, bounded up grabbing her purse and turning around knocked over the now cool coffee spilling it right on my erection

" Oh no! I've stained your shorts," as she attempted to wipe my crotch feeling my erection, " Here's some extra napkin's. just follow me."

It was a short jaunt of maybe 3/4 mile from the store off the main highway into a ritzy neighborhood upto her house.

"If you don't mind pulling around the back where I need to unload it," she asked, I'll get the gate.

Once unloaded I told her, "Now, I think I need to get started in the right direction and tend to your problem. We are going inside, but 1st I'm going to grab a few things from the garage and kitchen." I went to the garage where i had placed the cordless hammer drill she'd bought. Once in the house I grabbed a spatula, some clips, heavy twine and a fly swatter.
"What are you going to do with that stuff?" she inquired.

"Well, 1st off, I'm your master today and you may address me as Master or Master Sir 2nd your safe word is zippity do dah, 3rd, you're going to strip right now, (as I surprised her by pulling her red hair). 4th, I'm going to spank your ass until you beg me to stop. 5th I'm going to clamp your nipples and tie them with this string and when you don't follow instructions or misbehave I'm going to pull this string hard. 6th, I'm going to call you names, curse you, humiliate you into submission. Where's your dildo at? I know you have one bitch cause that wimp of what you call a husband isn't hitting that pussy like it deserves. I pulled her hair hard and pulled her towards me. She whimpered a little. 7th, Once I get your dildo I'm going to tease your pussy with it. I'm going to fuck your pussy with it, Hell, I may even fuck your ass with it. Do you understand?" in a commanding tone. I let go and quickly she ran and returned handing me the dildo. I noticed it already had an attachment designed to attach to the drill. "Oh really, tell me why this is designed to be attached to a drill?" i asked..
"Because I er uh...the drill I bought was mine. My other one burned up." she whispered.
I grabbed her by the chin and jawline, "That's Master or sir when you are speaking to me," I explained. "Now tell me more,"
"Yes Master! As I said before the drill was mine Master. I explained my husband wasn't much of a man and doesn't properly take care of my needs or desires - especially in the bedroom and so I have had to take care of my needs Master," as she relented.
"Why you sneaky little bitch, you acrew yourself with a dildo to get off? That's what you're telling me, you don't want to be in control all the time and you wish you had someone to liven things up, be a man and at least rough you up and take control. Oh, this is just too good to pass up you twat," gleefully I gave a wry, twisted smile. "Undress me and put my clothes on to wash slut," she obeyed taking off my shirt, tennis shoes, socks, unzipped my fly and pulled down my underwear and shorts in one quick motion, she moaned, grabbed my cock and began to put it in her mouth. I grabbed her ny the hair and shouted, "Stop it slut! I didn't give you permission to suck my cock. There will be time enough for that soon enough. Do as I told you!"
With a surprised look stammering she began, " But I thought"
"That's Master then you can continue, but that's twice now you've spoken without addressing me properly and you will be punished for that you spoiled brat, but do what I told you first," I staunchly replied. She hastened to the task i laid out for her wondering what the repercussions would be. Meanwhile I sat down on the couch and waited. when she returned i grabbed her wrist flung her on the couch and pulled her across my lap. I had tucked the spatula and flyswatter in the fold by my side in the couch. Swack, swack, swack as the spatula landed on her asscheeks, swack swack swack I continued to abraid her cheeks. Abruptly I switched to the flyswatter only this time it went thwack, thwack, thwack across her pussy. Thwack, thwack, thwack.
"Ooo, Ooo, Ooo, Ooo!" she squealed. "Please, pleasee"
"Does that hurt? Is it too hard? You do remember the safe word don't you? You fucking cunt of course you do, but you forgot to say Master my pet," as I assailed her ass and pussy once more.
"Please stop Master I'm fucking cumming and I wanted you to fuck me first Master," as she leaked out her twat all over my leg and the couch.
"Your wants are one thing, but your needs are another. Besides you yourself said you never had another take control of you and your needs. And you need to submit, you want to submit and you need correction most urgently right now." sounding very authoritatively. Thwack, thwack, thwack I continued knowing it would send her over into orgasmic bliss. Thwack, thwack, thwack.
"Master I'm cumming! Oh my god, oh my god that's aaahhhh!" as she fell over the precipice.With a blissful smile she lay across my lap.
" Hey, go get me some lotion i need to rub some on your asscheeks I wouldn't want you to get int rouble with your hubby and hey, point me to the bedroom" I said.
"Yes, Master, follow me sir, i have some in the master bath sir" as she grabbed my hand smiling happily. gently rubbed the lotion in the rosy red cheeks of her ass, held her in my arms for a few moments then we started once again. I used her husband's ties to tie her to the bed by her wrists and tied her ankles together as ahe anxiously awaited what was to come next. I readily found her lube in the back of the drawer on her night stand. It's not like I have an extra large dick, just average with one caveat - the girth is such that don't notice the length, but the girth is the size of a cola can and 6 1/2 inches of that keeps them moaning all day and night. And they love trying to force it down their throats.😁


4:44 am Sunday, 17th July, 2022 candys041

Yes, please!

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