I looked up as he entered the room

11:39 am Tuesday, 14th June, 2022


"Hello there, are you ready? "
You looked nervous - almost out of place to be honest, standing there without saying a word .
So I take charge. "Your safe word is "Enough" your session begins the moment you walk into the dungeon, you will not speak or move without my permission. You will do EXACTLY what I tell you to do at all times, without question. At the end of the session you will exit the room, dress and await me in the anti room. You will address me as Mistress when spoken too. Any questions?""No" you whispered, I love the new subs, I loved teaching them and using them for my own pleasure ,while watching them evolve into the ideal sub.
"Strip and present" I waited patiently while you tried to comply, as you stood naked in front of me, not understanding what I was asking from you ."When I say present, you will kneel with your hands behind your back - ready to serve " Swiftly you move your hands behind your back as I reach for the cuffs and slip them on your wrists. the nipple clamps had been soaked in ice before hand and you shuddered as I clipped them to your already hard nipples. Metal pegs for the half erect penis and a band at the base on the ball sack went on next.
Simply handling your manhood was enough to make it drip pre-cum and grow hard - "Take control, if he grows anymore you will be punished."
Instantly your cock started visibly throbbing, I reached behind me to the table and quietly picked up the riding crop, slowly walking behind you I snapped "Bend over" and pushed you in the center of your back with my shiny black stiletto.
Crack went the whip ,as it hit your soft fleshy bottom, crack, crack - red whelts appearing swiftly as I followed by 4 more each one harder than the last.
I step back, waiting for the reaction that always follows from a new client.
"Ah yes, oh wow"
"No talking" I snapped "Address me properley" I added 3 quick cracks to reinforce my words.
"Yes Mistress" sneaking a quick look up "Eyes down" but once again you couldn't resist the temptation of peeking.
I straddled over you poking you with the whip, "What happens to bad boys when they don't comply?"
"Show me" you said.
I raised the whip in two hands, leaning over him with my breasts swinging inches from his mouth. "I will " I whispered .I flicked the end of the whip sharply onto one nipple then smartly followed on the other. Reaching for the nipples I gave each a hard twist as you arched and gasped.
I crouched over your face and smiled. Speaking quietly I say "Your role is to please your Mistress - I am your Mistress. You will address me in the proper manner at all times - IS THAT CLEAR? If you do not please me, you will be punished. If you do please me, you will be punished."
"Yes Mistress"
I watched you as I stand up and see your eyes go directed to the shaven pussy I knew you craved to pleasure. "Is this what you want?" I spread my legs further. Your cock twitches and the pre-cum glistened on the head. I knelt with my knees either side of your head facing your member. I can hear your breathe coming quickly and the warmth of it on my shaven lips as I drop the whip and reach down to slap him hard, you gasp and I feel the hot breathe rising towards my cunt as I quickly lower myself down onto your open mouth. Your tongue flicks up to touch my clit and I slap you again watching you throb and the pegs waving around. Your sack is hugh as I hold it it in one hand, grabbing your member with the other.
With every slap your tongue probes me deeper lapping at the juice dripping from my cave, desperate not to lose a drop of that sweet nectre.
"Halt" I demand, lifting myself off your tongue. but you reach up , struggling to reach the cave you desire so much.
I laugh, knowing you can't do a thing, but you try regardless.
Standing, I step away leaving you on the floor wanting and desiring what only I can give you at this one moment in time. Walking to the side I pick p the spreaders , return to your side and quickly attach the leather cuffs one to each of your ankles. Giving your member a quick grope I undo the cuffs holding your hands and pull them around to the front, snapping the cuffs back in place with a sharp click.
"Up" I command, as I grab the chain in between the cuffs and haul you to your feet.
You struggle forward trying to adjust to the spreader and stand there wide eyed and waiting nervously.
"This will be exciting for you" I say quietly "You will enjoy having this as much as I will enjoy giving it to you"
I pull the padded bench forward and push you across the length of it, I walk to the end and snap the clip from the hand cuffs onto the ring halfway down the side. You are fully stretched and exposed with your member close to one end.
I reach through your spread legs and tug firmly , massaging your hard balls in one hand and your shaft in the other, roughly pulling off the pegs, I reach and release the band.Moving to the side bench I pick up the strap-on, I step into the straps and tighten them around my waist. I reach for the lube and slather it on thickly ,walking back to you waiting there eager but apprehensive .
Spreading your cheeks and lubing one finger I push against your tight hole, you wince but breath slowly out to relax .
"Good Boy" I whisper. nibbling sharply on your ear I replace the finger with the tip of the strap-on. I nudge forward slowly , again reaching around to grasp your throbbing cock as the tip of the strap-on eases further into your tight hole. Slowly, slowly I ease forward knowing this is your first time, taking things easy ,I gentle massage the hot globes between your legs building the excitment knowing both the pleasure and pain this was bringing you
"Push back" I tell you "NOW" you slam back on the shaft engulfing it entirely and moaning as I thrust into you then ease it back out "AGAIN" and you slam back, "Keep going" I tell you and you start to pump faster, your cock throbbing within my hand as the cum boils up inside you. I hold you balls tight in one had while your shaft throbs as it slides back and forth through my other lubed hand.
"Stop" I demand and I pull away - you push back looking to find that shaft to pump you to the finish, but its gone. You draw a shakey breathe in as I move away, watching you.

I walk to the front and unclip the handcuffs, you drop to your knees at the other end panting heavily and looking flushed and excited. I push the bench away and step in front of you.
" You will never come before I do - do you understand that?"
"Yes Mistress"
"Open your mouth" I step forward and grab you by the back of your head, "Clean me" and I push the strap-on into your mouth. You slurp happily away as I force it deeper and deeper down you throat.
I pull out and then release your head, stepping back I unclip the strap-on and put it to on side.
"You will do everything you need to do to make me come - do you understand?
"Yes Mistress"
"On your back"
You lay back on the rug watching and waiting for what was to come next.
I squat over you, looking at the blue veined cock wanting attention, I slowly lower myself onto the tip, I raise my eyes to look at you, the lust and the need showing clearly on your face as you wait for my hotness to surround you. I pump up and down until I feel you building up then I stop...... you push to re-enter "NO" I snap "DO NOT MOVE"
I go forward onto my knees and shuffle towards your head ,lowering my whole cunt onto your face and rubbing it slowly back and forth, then covering your face completely, shivering at the tickle I am starting to feel rises from within.
I raise myself slightly, just enough to allow your tongue to reach me "Lick me" you stroke your tongue the length of my cunt and lap at my clit - sucking on it hard, I rub myself onto your face then go back to the hot shaft thats waiting to explode.
I pump myself on your cock feeling the excitment in you then again move my clit back to your mouth. Kneeling over your mouth I feel myself starting to tremble and move lower to enjoy the sensation.
The lava begins to boil and I excitedly slow myself in antisipation, savouring that feeling of a wet tongue on my cunt. Almost there and now I need that hot cock inside me.
Without warning I move swiftly down to where it is waiting and plunge myself onto the glistening head, throbbing and pushing up and into me I start to explode, lapping up every sentation as the waves of orgasim crashed down on me . I push down hard to absorb the throb of cock inside of me and look at your face.
You are flushed and gasping, looking for release but not daring to let go, I sit on the shaft and clench tighly around you, watching for the smallest sign that you have lost control. But you hold tight, waiting, waiting. - How long can you hold on.
Agony as you wait with my throbbing cunt pulsing over your shaft.
I cave - "Fuck me now" and you thrust up and into the core of me, gasping as you start to boil over, I push up and down feeling the lava exploding over your cock as I crest and throb.

You start to relax , feeling spent no doubt. "Pump harder" I tell you quietly, "I haven't told you to stop"
I want more, I'm not finished just yet ............
Stay tuned for the next chapter


6:01 pm Saturday, 18th June, 2022 nnickib121

Perfect πŸ‘Œ

11:41 pm Monday, 20th June, 2022 andybergsho795

Wow ! Had a throbbing cock all the though that 😝 best part love your shaved swollen dropping pussy ! πŸ₯°

11:58 pm Monday, 20th June, 2022 andybergsho795

Swollen dripping pussy inches from my face πŸ˜‹ can smell your sweet juicy pick lips smiling at me with your strap on waiting to punish me 😝

11:27 pm Tuesday, 27th September, 2022 kevjen770

Sounds lovely how to make it happenΒ 

11:01 pm Saturday, 4th February, 2023 duck11

Great read!

Blog Introduction


Dominent Lady or Kinky Sidekick, which do you prefer??