Sherrie, Jerry and Anna

1:44 pm Saturday, 11th June, 2022


Jerry opened the door of a rather shabby bedsit he had been renting for the past few months. He rented it for one purpose only. To get his long term desire, Sherrie, on her own for a few afternoons a month. Midway between his home and the colleague where they’d met. The room was not pretty. But then he figured it didn't need to be.It was cheap, dingy, cold and felt clammy. The only concession he'd made was a set of bedding to cover the grubby mattress. Sherrie had already arrived, in bed between the clean sheets that looked out of place against the threadbare carpet and chipped ,mismatched furniture. He had spent nothing on the room, having no intention of staying for any longer than it took to satisfy himself and ,hopefully, Sherrie. The tatty curtains had been drawn on a fast setting wintery sun. He took a cheap bottle of wine from his briefcase, unscrewed the top and sat on the edge of the bed. He took a mouthful from the neck and offered the bottle to Sherrie. She took a sip, sitting up to do so and revealed a good portion of her considerable breast. Jerry hurriedly kicked off his shoes and leaned in for a kiss, pulling off his jacket. Sherrie leaned back as Jerry flung his trousers into a gloomy corner and climbed in next to her. He hadn't seen Sherie for a couple of weeks and was keen to catch up from where they left off. They had had what he thought was a minor fall out. She’d started to feel as if he was using her, which he was. She complained that they only ever met here in this room. It wasn't a real relationship, she'd said. He asked her to be patient and had hoped he’d convinced her that it wasn't appropriate for them to be seen together on campus as she was a student and he was one of the admin staff. “But you won't even meet for a beer or a coffee, even by accident ''. She had said. It had been an awkward conversation but he was confident he'd won her round with a few text messages and a promise to make up for it. That was two or three weeks ago and he’d missed her and was sure ,now she'd agreed to meet again, that she'd missed him. He slid in next to her and felt her warm, full, naked body against him and that familiar feeling ran through him. They kissed hungrily and Jerry's hands ran over her breasts and Sherrie felt a shiver run through her as a finger and thumb closed on her rapidly hardening nipple.She responded by slipping her fingers into the waistband of Jerrys shorts feeling for his equally hard cock. He buried his head in Sherry's huge cleavage, licking and sucking his way over her belly and into the warm and inviting entrance to her love tunnel. Sherries thighs parted instinctively as his tongue began exploring the length of her pussy slot and his thumb began rubbing her clit in gentle circles. He explored deeper as she gave in to the gentle demands of his tongue. She raised her hips to encourage him to push deeper. His licking and probing grew faster and more urgent as he began to taste the first trickle of her cum juice on the tip of his tongue. His hands moved up to her breasts as hers closed on the back of his head holding him in place as her thighs involuntarily closed over his ears, powerful quivers of pleasure pulsing through her. He greedily lapped at her love honey, loving that she must be loving him. His tongue ached and he came up for air before being pushed back down. She was being far more demanding than lately. Maybe the couple of weeks they’d not seen each other had made her more interested. He knelt between her legs and as he buried his face again he felt fingers close around his very hard cock. It took a second or two to figure out that both Sherries hands were still on the back of his head. He stopped mid lick and glanced sideways. There was Anna. Kneeling at the side of the bed. Her dark hair framing a heavily made up face, deep red lips and almost panda eye mascara. Anna was well known throughout the facility, a tall woman, late twenties maybe, strikingly good looking, no known boyfriends ,always the centre of whichever group she happened to be mingling with. And no one was completely sure whether she was a student, staff member or even a cleaner. Sometimes in a tight short skirt, sometimes in ridiculously tight jeans. Always hinting at what might lay beneath. But now, in this room, nothing but a long silky gown. Unbuttoned and opening to reveal a magnificent pair of breasts at least to equal Sherries. “Ann, what….?” was all Jerry could manage before Anna's grip released his now limp dick and she pushed him back from Sherries sopping wet pussy. “I'll take over from here Jerry”, smiled Anna and dipped her head into the space Jerrys face had just left. He made a move towards Anna's swinging breast but was quickly put in his place. !”Oh no you don't” Anna said”. This is our party now and Jerry sat back, watching as Sherries hands pulled Anna's head into place and widened her leg spread. Anna positioned herself for a long session and Jerry was ‘encouraged’ to move off the bed by Anna. Sherrie came in multiple orgasms as Anna's expert tongue flicked and teased. She was a woman, after all, and knew what she liked, Sherrie would like too, Jerry thought. But she knew far more than that. Sherrie confided in Anna soon after the fall out she'd had with Jerry and discovered that Anna had hidden depths. Especially between her legs. And those depths needed filling with something, not necessarily male. It was a new experience for Sherrie and once she’d tasted the pleasures of another woman she felt she wouldn't be rushing back to any man soon. Well not Jerry and his selfish needs any way…“Ok, now it's my turn”, said Anna. She moved from between Sherries legs and grabbed the rail of the head board, spread her knees either side of her head and lowered herself onto Sherries face. A few lick and Annas pussy opens, and Sherries tongue mimics what Annas had been doing a few moments before. Licking and delving deep into her. Anna pushed into her, wanting as much of her as she could. Using the whole of her face to bring her to the brink of a massive orgasm. In perfect unison they licked and gyrated to a gush of love liquid from Anna. Gasping, she leaned back as Sherrie reached up and cupped her swaying breast, gently pinching her nipples as Anna in turn reached back to Sherries still wet crouch and began exploring her again. Sherrie moaned in quiet contentment that gave Anna the signal to turn round and dive into her again. This time with her own still dripping and gaping love hole over Sherries face, so both women were able to enjoy each other. They sucked, licked, flicked and drank at each other. Their hair and faces damp with sweat and love juice. Cumming several times, then collapsing onto each other. Annas arms hugging Sherries thighs as Sherrie grasped the small of Annas back, feeling the warmth of her sweet juice on her chest. Anna looked up from between Sherries thighs at Jerry who was sitting on a hard wooden chair, still naked, apart from his socks, and covering himself with his crumpled trousers. He felt intimidated by Anna. She'd long been the fantasy of many of his colleagues and finding himself in the same room in this situation was both exciting and frightening. “Come on Jerry, let's see what you've got”, called Anna. Jerry moved away his trousers to reveal a limp but slowly stiffening cock. “Hmmm. you were right, honey” Anna murmured to Sherrie.“ Nothing to write home about but, hey, ok for now. Come over here and join us.” She lay him on the bed and Sherrie climbed onto his face, the same way Anna had been sitting on her. Anna took his now stiffening cock in her hands and slowly started to massage it to its fully hard state. She dribbled on to the tip, her warm spital combined with his pre cum and her fast fingers sending shivers through him. “ Now don't neglect your duties, Jerry. You know what Sherrie needs. Play the game, Jerry.” He knew he was being mocked and used but that seemed to give him more of a thrill. Anna's strokes got faster and her grip a little tighter. She watched as Sherries ground into his face. She was getting all that she could from Jerrys face and tongue. When she guessed he was close to cumming she stopped, Sherrie turned round and Anna climbed onto a very stiff, throbbing cock. The two women faced each other, Anna grinding herself onto Jerry's cock and Sherrie planting her ass and pussy over the whole of his face. They began kissing as they enjoyed Jerry's cock and tongue and the three of them began a slow, gyrating rhythm. Sherrie and Anna pinching and pulling on each other's tits as they kissed fiercely. Jerry couldn't hold back any more and came into Anna's pussy with a shudder. Anna felt his cum inside her and run down his shrinking dick. ”That's that then.” she muttered as they untangled themselves from Jerry and rolled on to the bed next to him.” What do you mean?” asked Jerry.” Well, Sherrie and I have the rest of the evening here. Leave the wine on the side and you can go. ”The two girls watched as Jerry shuffled over to pull his pants and shirt on. He glanced back at them as they cuddled together under the sheet. ”Oh and Jerry. ”Anna called out. “Same time next week, or we might have to tell your wife.”


3:20 pm Sunday, 12th June, 2022 lilyc480

Love this!

3:20 pm Sunday, 12th June, 2022 lilyc480

Hey 🤗

2:43 pm Tuesday, 14th June, 2022 Rachel88

Love this!

8:20 am Saturday, 18th June, 2022 Idontknow52

Loved it. 

11:15 pm Sunday, 31st July, 2022 Butterflilipz8

Yes, please!

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