she turned my night of sorrow into a night to remember part 1#

5:15 am Sunday, 1st May, 2022


It was a couple months after she split. Who was she? SHE, was the love of my life it turns out. She was the first tg I had ever met. After I got over myself and the BS society had taught me, we dated for a little more than 2 years . This story really isn't about her. When we were dating we would often go to a club /lounge to have some drinks listen to music, and socialize with the most diverse crowd of people you can think of! Racially Intellectually sexually economically etc, all kinds of people! . which is what a grew to like about it. They had nightly drag shows that were great! My ex knew everyone! After we broke up she left , moved , gone, but once in a while I'd go in and drown my sorrows at the bar and grew to be pretty good friends with the head bartender/mgr, on this particular night a couple of the ladies decided that they had enough of my sad ass! The bartender Lisa was a tall curvy brunette big cleavage in your face, beautiful blue eyes! And the other was my ex's really good friend Claudia a slender latina very cute. She never spoke to me very much. I don't think she cared for me. So. There I was staring into space drinking a beer with that emotionless blank look on my face. When all of a sudden about five of the ladies surrounded me , Claudia pulls her top off lleaving her two beautiful perfect tits in my face! She sits in my lap legs wrapped around me, and says "Todd this is your get over it party!" She said some other things but everyone was screaming we did a few rounds of shots and continued to have a good time with karaoke dancing etc. Well Lisa's shift was over at midnight and they decided we were going to go to Claudia's apt. And play poker. I had no reason to believe i was in for "Anything ' else, neither had ever shown any interest in me at all other than their friends bf. So we get a cab and we sang and argued about music like typical drunks the whole ride to the apt. We get inside and Claudia tells us to make ourselves at home . So after using the restroom getting snacks turning the TV on etc we settle down at the dinningvrom table. I looked up and Claudia was shuffling a deck of cards Lisa was channel surfing . And for a split second it got quiet -and for a shorter second I realized I was in that apt with two sexy ladies! All of a sudden they start laughing like they read my mind! I laughed in a sarcastic joking manner as I went to the kitchen for drinks. We continued to talk laugh and play cards for an hour or so. Then Lisa's phone rang, after a few words she hung up and told us her friend Ally, was on her way. When ally arrived I was in the restroom , when I came out , ally (a small petite blonde with spiked hair) very cute , was on her knees sucking Claudia's girl cock like it was the last glass of water after a 10mile hike! I started to say something but Lisa gave me a shut the fuck up look. So I sat acted a littlittle disinterested, trying to hide the bulge in my pants! when they were done they joined us. A little while later Ally started saying she wanted some "other" party favors. So Aly and Claudia left. Lisa and I were just sitting talking and she asked if I was having fun , I said yes and thanked her, she told me I had been through a lot over the last 3 yrs but she said 'your going to be fine' we laughed then she stood up looking down at me and said " don't you take this the wrong way and get silly on me now, ok? I just said ok I didn't know what the fuck was going on, she then pulled my chair out and kneeled down in front of me, I opened my legs to invte her in, she leaned forward grabbing my shirt pulled me down and kisskissed me, a long soft kiss with just an intro of tongue. She the pushed me back onto the chair and ran her hands up my shirt and caressed and massage my chest. Then as she brought her hanhands downward she put her forehead into my torso and wwhile I was enjoying how sexy her back looked , how soft her hair was in my lap ,and how her warm exhale felt , she had slipped my pants off, and I didn't even realize it until my hard cock was freed aand jumped up! She looked up at me, smiled, then grabbed my cock aanD started fondling it, she leaned forward friends forever teddy, that's what my ex called me, as in teddy bear, but it was Lisa's way of making sure I knew that's all this was. She then inhaled my 8inches and proceeded with one 9f the best bjs ever! Damn , she was good! To be continued!


3:16 pm Thursday, 25th August, 2022 Biguy39SaintAlbans

Good read.. lucky u bro 😁

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